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Subdomain Name: Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers
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Displaying 1 - 50 of 166
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C19960 Immunohistochemistry laminin alpha2 merosin 300 status IHCLaminAlp2Meros300Stat The status of Laminin a2/Merosin (300 kDa) in immunohistochemistry The status of Laminin a2/Merosin (300 kDa) in immunohistochemistry Laminin a2/Merosin (300 kDa) Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19896 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicator ElevatErythSedimRateInd Indicator of whether participant/subject experienced elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate Indicator of whether participant/subject experienced elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) No;Yes;Unknown No;Yes;Unknown Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19992 Immunohistochemistry desmin aggregate level status IHCDesminAggregLvlStat Level of desmin aggregate Level of desmin aggregate Desmin Normal;Increased Normal;Increased Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19928 Biopsy and autopsy moth eaten fibers status BpApMothEatFibStat Moth-eaten fibers status in biopsy/autopsy Moth-eaten fibers status in biopsy/autopsy Moth-eaten fibers Absent;Sparse Absent;Sparse Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12262 Biopsy and autopsy microorganisms name BpApMicroorgName Name of microorganisms identified in biopsy or autopsy specimen Name of microorganisms identified in biopsy or autopsy specimen Microorganisms identified, specify which Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Microorganisms identified" is answered for "Inflammation"

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C12525 Biopsy and autopsy fiber abnormality type BpApAbnrmlyFibTyp Fiber type abnormalities on a muscle biopsy Fiber type abnormalities on a muscle biopsy Specify Type 1 predominance;Type 2 predominance;Fiber type grouping Type 1 predominance;Type 2 predominance;Fiber type grouping Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Abnormalities of fiber type" is answered for "Which of the following diagnostic abnormalities were noted on histochemical stains?"

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19971 Immunohistochemistry caveolin 3 status IHCCaveolin3Stat The status of caveolin 3 in immunohistochemistry The status of caveolin 3 in immunohistochemistry Caveolin 3 Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19907 Hypertrophic fibers presence status HyperFibPresStat Presence of hypertrophic fiber Presence of hypertrophic fiber Hypertrophic fibers Absent;Present Absent;Present Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12232 Laboratory director name LabDirectorName Name of laboratory director where assessment was performed Name of laboratory director where assessment was performed Name of laboratory director Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C19939 Biopsy and autopsy fiber abnormality status BpApAbnrmlyFibStat Presence or absence of fiber abnormalities on a muscle biopsy Presence or absence of fiber abnormalities on a muscle biopsy Abnormalities of fiber type Absent;Present Absent;Present Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Abnormalities of fiber type" is answered for "Which of the following diagnostic abnormalities were noted on histochemical stains?"

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C17905 Biopsy and autopsy abnormal storage material text BpApAbnrmlStrgMatTxt Text describing biopsy or autopsy material that has been stored abnormally Text describing biopsy or autopsy material that has been stored abnormall Describe any abnormal storage material identified Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C19982 Immunohistochemistry CD20 percentage value IHCCD20PercentVal Percent value of CD20 Percent value of CD20 Present in Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C19918 Biopsy and autopsy strongly succinate dehydrogenase reactive blood vessels status BpApStrSDHReactBldVessStat Strongly-succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) blood vessels status in biopsy Strongly-succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) blood vessels status in biopsy Strongly-SDH reactive blood vessels (SSVs) Absent;Sparse Absent;Sparse Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12248 Pathologist name PathologistName Name of pathologist who diagnosed the case Name of pathologist who diagnosed the case Name of pathologist who diagnosed the case Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C19950 Immunohistochemistry myosin type IHCMyosImmunohistochemTyp Type of myosin immunochemistry used Type of myosin immunochemistry used Myosin immunohistochemistry Fast myosin;Slow myosin;Embryonic myosin;Fetal myosin Fast myosin;Slow myosin;Embryonic myosin;Fetal myosin Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19961 Immunohistochemistry alpha dystroglycan VIA4 status IHCAlpDystroglyStat The status of Alpha dystroglycan (VIA4) in immunohistochemistry The status of Alpha dystroglycan (VIA4) in immunohistochemistry Alpha dystroglycan (VIA4) Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19897 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate value ElevatErythSedimRateVal The elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate value The elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate value Patient Value Numeric Values

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C19993 Immunohistochemistry myotilin aggregate level status IHCMyotilinAggregLvlStat Level of myotilin aggregate Level of myotilin aggregate Myotilin Normal;Increased Normal;Increased Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19929 Biopsy and autopsy moth eaten fibers estimated percentage value BpApMothEatFibEstCt Moth-eaten fibers estimated percentage value Moth-eaten fibers estimated percentage value Moderate (present in:) Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C12263 Biopsy and autopsy abnormal storage material type BpApAbnmlStrgMatTyp Excesses of material can be detected in some lipid and glycogen storage diseases, which may be evident on Oil Red O and PAS stains, respectively Excesses of material can be detected in some lipid and glycogen storage diseases, which may be evident on Oil Red O and PAS stains, respectivel Abnormal storage material Excessive glycogen;Excessive intracellular lipid Excessive glycogen;Excessive intracellular lipid Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12526 Biopsy and autopsy type 1 predominance fiber percentage value BpApTyp1PredomFibPctVal Percentage of Type 1 predominance fiber present Percentage of Type 1 predominance fiber present Percent Type 1 fibers Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Type 1 predominance' fiber is selected

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C19972 Immunohistochemistry integrin alpha 7 status IHCIntegrinAlp7Stat The status of Integrin a7 in immunohistochemistry The status of Integrin a7 in immunohistochemistry Integrin a7 Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19908 Atrophy hypotrophy presence status AtropHypoFibPresStat The status as related to presence of atrophy/hypotrophy fibers The status as related to presence of atrophy/hypotrophy fibers Atrophy/Hypotrophy Absent;Present Absent;Present Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12233 Preservation technique used type PresrvtnTechnqUseTyp Type of preservation technique used to preserve the specimen Type of preservation technique used to preserve the specimen Freezing or Fixation Used? Frozen;Formalin-fixed;Paraffin-embedded;Epon-embedded Frozen;Formalin-fixed;Paraffin-embedded;Epon-embedded Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19940 Histochemical stain absent text HistochemStainAbsStainText Specify histochemical stain absent staining Specify histochemical stain absent staining Absent staining for a histochemical stain Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C18828 Histochemical stains used other text HistchmclStainUseOTH The free-text field related to 'Histochemical stains used type' specifying other text. Type of standard histochemical stains used on the tissue specimen The free-text field related to 'Histochemical stains used type' specifying other text. Type of standard histochemical stains used on the tissue specimen Other, specify Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 4000

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C19983 Immunohistochemistry CD138 presence status IHCCD138PresStat The status of the presnce of CD138 in immunohistochemistry The status of the presnce of CD138 in immunohistochemistry CD138 Absent;Present Absent;Present Alphanumeric

If present; specify the percent of lymphocytes

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19919 Biopsy and autopsy strongly succinate dehydrogenase reactive blood vessels estimated percentage value BpApStrSDHReactBldVessEstCt Strongly succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-reactive blood vessels (SSV's) estimated percentage value Strongly succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-reactive blood vessels (SSV's) estimated percentage value Moderate (present in:) Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C12249 Biopsy and Autopsy histochemical stains diagnostic abnormalities present type BpApHschmStnDiagnAbnrmlyPrsTyp The diagnostic abnormalities present on the histochenmical stains for the participant's/subject's tissue The diagnostic abnormalities present on the histochemical stains for the participant's/subject's tissue Which of the following diagnostic abnormalities were noted on histochemical stains? Fatty replacement;Endomysial fibrosis;Myofiber degeneration;Myofiber regeneration;Abnormalities of fiber type;Hypertrophic fibers;Atrophy/Hypotrophy;Myopathy-associated pathological structures;Inflammation;Abnormal storage material Fatty replacement;Endomysial fibrosis;Myofiber degeneration;Myofiber regeneration;Abnormalities of fiber type;Hypertrophic fibers;Atrophy/Hypotrophy;Myopathy-associated pathological structures;Inflammation;Abnormal storage material Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C19951 Immunohistochemistry dystrophin panel stain type IHCDysPanImmunohistochemTyp Type of dystrophin panel used Type of dystrophin panel used Dystrophin panel, specify Dystrophin rod domain (DYS1_;Dystrophin N terminus of rod domain (DYS3);Dystrophin C terminus (DYS2);Dystrophin (BMD hotspot);Spectrin;Utrophin Dystrophin rod domain (DYS1_;Dystrophin N terminus of rod domain (DYS3);Dystrophin C terminus (DYS2);Dystrophin (BMD hotspot);Spectrin;Utrophin Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19962 Immunohistochemistry alpha dystroglycan IIH status IHCAlpDystroglyIIHStat The status of Alpha dystroglycan (IIH) in immunohistochemistry The status of Alpha dystroglycan (IIH) in immunohistochemistry Alpha dystroglycan (IIH) Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19898 Elevated C reactive protein indicator ElevatCReactProtInd Indicator of whether participant/subject experienced elevated C reactive protein levels Indicator of whether participant/subject experienced elevated C reactive protein level Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) No;Yes;Unknown No;Yes;Unknown Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19994 Immunohistochemistry alphaB crystallin aggregate level status IHCAlpBCrystallinAggregLvlStat Level of aB crystallin aggregate Level of aB crystallin aggregate aB crystallin Normal;Increased Normal;Increased Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19930 Biopsy and autopsy tubular aggregates status BpApTubAggStat Tubular aggregates status in biopsy/autopsy Tubular aggregates status in biopsy/autopsy Tubular aggreggates Absent;Sparse;Moderate Absent;Sparse;Moderate Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12268 Immunohistochemical stain used muscle biopsy and autopsy type ImmhistchmclStnUseMuscBpAp Which immunohistochemical stains were used on muscle biopsy? Which immunohistochemical stains were used on muscle biopsy? Which immunohistochemical stains were used? Myosin immunohistochemistry;Dystrophin panel;Other stains for limb-girdle or congenital muscular dystrophy;Inflammatory myopathy panel;Protein aggregate myopathy panel Myosin immunohistochemistry;Dystrophin panel;Other stains for limb-girdle or congenital muscular dystrophy;Inflammatory myopathy panel;Protein aggregate myopathy panel Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply. If dystrophin panel, Other stains for limb-girdle or congenital muscular dystrophy, or Inflammatory myopathy panel were answered for "Which immunohistochemical stains were performed?", specify stains used.

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C12527 Biopsy and autopsy type 2 predominance fiber percentage value BpApTyp2PredomFibPctVal Percentage of Type 2 predominance fiber present Percentage of Type 2 predominance fiber present Percent of Type 2 fibers Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Type 2 predominance' fiber is selected

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C19973 Immunohistochemistry neuronal nitric oxide synthase status IHCnNOSStat The status of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in immunohistochemistry The status of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in immunohistochemistry nNOS Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19909 Biopsy and autopsy nuclear bags clumps status BpApAutoNucBagsClumpStat The status as related to presence of nucelar bags/clumps The status as related to presence of nucelar bags/clumps Nuclear bags/clumps Absent;Present Absent;Present Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12234 Preservation technique used amount value PresrvtnTechnqUseAmntVal Value of the amount of preservation solution or material used to preserve the specimen Value of the amount of preservation solution or material used to preserve the specimen Amount Alphanumeric

Answer for the freezing or fixation technique used. Answer should be recorded in milligrams (mg). If amount used is not known, select Not known.

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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C19941 Biopsy and autopsy distribution type BpApDistrTyp Type of distribution of inflammation Type of distribution of inflammation Distribution Perivascular;Focal;Diffuse;Endomysial;Involving fascia;Perimysial Perivascular;Focal;Diffuse;Endomysial;Involving fascia;Perimysial Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19888 Age biopsy year value AgeBiopsyYearVal Age (in years) of participant/subject at biopsy Age (in years) of participant/subject at biopsy Age at biopsy Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C19984 Immunohistochemistry CD138 percentage value IHCCD138PercentVal Percent value of C138 Percent value of C138 Present in Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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0 100 percent
C19920 Biopsy and autopsy central cores status BpApCentralCoreStat Central cores status in biopsy Central cores status in biopsy Central cores Absent;Sparse;Moderate Absent;Sparse;Moderate Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12251 Biopsy and autopsy atrophy or hypotrophy type BpApAtrphyHypotrphyTyp Atrophy/ hypertrophy type Atrophy/ hypotrophy type Specify All fibers within the specimen;Subset of fibers, leading to excessive variation in fiber size;Atrophic/hypertrophic fiber shape;Nuclear bags/clumps;Perifascicular distribution All fibers within the specimen;Subset of fibers, leading to excessive variation in fiber size;Atrophic/hypertrophic fiber shape;Nuclear bags/clumps;Perifascicular distribution Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Atrophy/Hypotrophy" is answered for "Which of the following diagnostic abnormalities were noted on histochemical stains?"

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19952 Immunohistochemistry dystrophin rod domain status IHCDysRodDomStat The status of dystrophin rod domain (DYS1) in immunohistochemistry The status of dystrophin rod domain (DYS1) in immunohistochemistry Dystrophin rod domain (DYS1) Absent;Reduced;Cytoplasmic;Normal Absent;Reduced;Cytoplasmic;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19963 Immunohistochemistry beta dystroglycan status IHCBetaDystroglyStat The status of Beta dystroglycan in immunohistochemistry The status of Beta dystroglycan in immunohistochemistry Beta dystroglycan Absent;Reduced;Normal Absent;Reduced;Normal Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19899 Elevated C reactive protein value ElevatCReactProtVal The elevated C-reactive protein value The elevated C-reactive protein value Patient Value Numeric Values

No instructions available

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C19995 Immunohistochemistry ubiquitin aggregate level status IHCUbiquitinAggregLvlStat Level of ubiquitin aggregate Level of ubiquitin aggregate Myotilin Normal;Increased Normal;Increased Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19931 Biopsy and autopsy tubular aggregates estimated percentage value BpApTubAggEstCt Tubular aggregates estimated percentage value Tubular aggregates estimated percentage value Moderate (present in:) Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-09 00:00:00.0 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations

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C12269 Biopsy and autopsy immunohistochemical immunofluorescence assays performed BpApImnhschmImnflrsncAssyPerf List of stains used List of stains used Immunohistochemical/ Immunofluorescence assays performed Alphanumeric

List the stains used based upon answers in question 3

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Muscle Biopsies and Autopsy Tissue Laboratory Tests and Biospecimens/Biomarkers Assessments and Examinations 255

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