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Availability |
Please email the author for information about obtaining the instrument: |
Classification |
Supplemental: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Short Description of Instrument |
The ALS Swallowing Severity Scale (ALSSS) measures speech, swallowing, lower extremity and walking, upper extremity dressing and hygiene on a scale from
1–10, 1 being the most dysfunctional and 10 being the most functional.
Scoring |
The Bulbar score can be calculated by adding speech and swallowing subscores. Spinal score can be calculated by adding lower extremity and upper extremity subscores.
Total score ranges from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 40; the lower the score, the more impairment is present. Rates of progression of the total score in a small group of patients ranged from -3.4 to -24.0 points/year with a mean
of -11.3 points/year.
References |
Hillel AD, Miller RM, Yorkston K, McDonald E, Norris FH, Konikow N. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis severity scale. Neuroepidemiology. 1989;8(3):142-150.
Document last updated July 2019