CDE Detailed Report
Subdomain Name: Cognitive Assessment
CRF: welcome
Displaying 1 - 50 of 58
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C55843 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Paired Recall (PR) percentage value | TOMAL2PRPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | PR %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55860 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Letters Forward (LF) scaled score | TOMAL2LFScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | LF Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55810 | Referral reason text | ReferralRsnTxt | Text describing the subject's reason for referral | Text describing the subject's reason for referra | Referral Reason | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:15.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points | 255 |
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C55874 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) raw score | TOMAL2MFSDRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFSD Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55829 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) scaled score | TOMAL2AVMScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | AVM Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55844 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Location (MFL) raw score | TOMAL2MFLRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFL Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55862 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Letters Forward (LF) percentage value | TOMAL2LFPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | LF %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55811 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories (MFS) raw score | TOMAL2MFSRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFS Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55875 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) scaled score | TOMAL2MFSDScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFSD Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55831 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) percentage value | TOMAL2AVMPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | AVM %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C00007 | Birth date | BirthDate | Date (and time, if applicable and known) the participant was born | Date (and time, if applicable and known) the participant was born | Date of Birth | Date or Date & Time | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 3.1 | 10/16/2024 8:51:14 AM | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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793 | |||||||||||
C55845 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Location (MFL) scaled score | TOMAL2MFLScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFL Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55863 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Manual Imitation (MI) raw score | TOMAL2MIRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MI Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55812 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories (MFS) scaled score | TOMAL2MFSScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFS Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55876 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) percentage value | TOMAL2MFSDPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFSD %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX.Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55832 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Object Recall (OR) raw score | TOMAL2ORRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | OR Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C00008 | Age value | AgeVal | Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant | Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant | Age | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 3.10 | 2024-02-29 15:47:28.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 1800 | month | |||||||||
C55846 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Location (MFL) percentage value | TOMAL2MFLPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFL %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55864 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Manual Imitation (MI) scaled score | TOMAL2MIScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MI Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55813 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories (MFS) percentage value | TOMAL2MFSPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MFS %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55877 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) raw score | TOMAL2WSRDRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | WSRD Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55833 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Object Recall (OR) scaled score | TOMAL2ORScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | OR Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55849 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Forward (DF) raw score | TOMAL2DFRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | DF Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C00035 | Gender type | GenderTyp | Self-reported gender of the participant/subject | Self-reported gender of the participant/subjec | Gender | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-08-28 16:08:00.453 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
2200604 | |||||||||||
C55865 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Manual Imitation (MI) percentage value | TOMAL2MIPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | MI %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55814 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Facial Memory (FM) raw score | TOMAL2FMRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | FM Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55879 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) scaled score | TOMAL2WSRDScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | WSRD Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55835 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Object Recall (OR) percentage value | TOMAL2ORPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | OR %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55850 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Forward (DF) scaled score | TOMAL2DFScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | DF Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C19500 | Assessment performed date | AssessmentPerformedDate | The date of assessment of the examination being performed | The date of assessment of the examination being performed | Date Tested | Date or Date & Time | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2014-06-18 08:10:12.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55867 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Backward (DB) raw score | TOMAL2DBRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | DB Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55815 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Facial Memory (FM) scaled score | TOMAL2FMScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | FM Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55880 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) percentage value | TOMAL2WSRDPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | WSRD %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C55836 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) raw score | TOMAL2VSMRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | VSM Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55851 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Forward (DF) percentage value | TOMAL2DFPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | DF %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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0 | 100 | percent | ||||||||
C21117 | Subject name | SubjectName | Name of subject/participant | Name of subject/participan | Name | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2015-06-12 15:16:39.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points | 255 |
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C55868 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Backward (DB) scaled score | TOMAL2DBScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | DB Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55817 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Facial Memory (FM) percentage value | TOMAL2FMPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | FM %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55837 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) scaled score | TOMAL2VSMScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | VSM Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55854 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) raw score | TOMAL2VSRRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | VSR Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C50680 | Examiner name | ExaminerName | The name of the person performing the exam | The name of the person performing the exa | Examiner's Name | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2016-12-12 00:00:00.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points | 255 |
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C55869 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Backward (DB) percentage value | TOMAL2DBPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | DB %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55818 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding (WSR) raw score | TOMAL2WSRRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | WSR Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55838 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) percentage value | TOMAL2VSMPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | VSM %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55855 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) scaled score | TOMAL2VSRScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | VSR Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C51670 | School name | SchoolName | The name of the school that the subject currently attends, if applicable | The name of the school that the subject currently attends, if applicabl | School | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2016-12-12 00:00:00.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points | 255 |
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C55871 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Letters Backward (LB) raw score | TOMAL2LBRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Letters Backward (LB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Letters Backward (LB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | LB Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55821 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding (WSR) scaled score | TOMAL2WSRScaledScore | The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | WSR Scaled Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55840 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Paired Recall (PR) raw score | TOMAL2PRRawScore | The subject's raw score on the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's raw score on the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | PR Raw Score | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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C55858 | Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) percentage value | TOMAL2VSRPercntVal | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) | The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 | VSR %ile Rank | Numeric Values | Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 | Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) | Cognitive Assessment | Outcomes and End Points |
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