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Subdomain Name: Cognitive Assessment
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Displaying 1 - 50 of 58
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C55843 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Paired Recall (PR) percentage value TOMAL2PRPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 PR %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55860 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Letters Forward (LF) scaled score TOMAL2LFScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 LF Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55810 Referral reason text ReferralRsnTxt Text describing the subject's reason for referral Text describing the subject's reason for referra Referral Reason Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:15.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C55874 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) raw score TOMAL2MFSDRawScore The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFSD Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55829 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) scaled score TOMAL2AVMScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 AVM Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55844 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Location (MFL) raw score TOMAL2MFLRawScore The subject's raw score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFL Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55862 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Letters Forward (LF) percentage value TOMAL2LFPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Letters Forward (LF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 LF %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55811 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories (MFS) raw score TOMAL2MFSRawScore The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFS Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55875 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) scaled score TOMAL2MFSDScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFSD Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55831 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) percentage value TOMAL2AVMPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Abstract Visual Memory (AVM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 AVM %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C00007 Birth date BirthDate Date (and time, if applicable and known) the participant was born Date (and time, if applicable and known) the participant was born Date of Birth Date or Date & Time Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 3.1 10/16/2024 8:51:14 AM Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55845 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Location (MFL) scaled score TOMAL2MFLScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFL Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55863 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Manual Imitation (MI) raw score TOMAL2MIRawScore The subject's raw score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MI Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55812 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories (MFS) scaled score TOMAL2MFSScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFS Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55876 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) percentage value TOMAL2MFSDPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories Delayed (MFSD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFSD %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX.Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55832 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Object Recall (OR) raw score TOMAL2ORRawScore The subject's raw score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 OR Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C00008 Age value AgeVal Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant Age Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 3.10 2024-02-29 15:47:28.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 1800 month
C55846 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Location (MFL) percentage value TOMAL2MFLPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Location (MFL) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFL %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55864 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Manual Imitation (MI) scaled score TOMAL2MIScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MI Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55813 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Memory for Stories (MFS) percentage value TOMAL2MFSPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Memory for Stories (MFS) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MFS %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55877 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) raw score TOMAL2WSRDRawScore The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 WSRD Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55833 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Object Recall (OR) scaled score TOMAL2ORScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 OR Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55849 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Forward (DF) raw score TOMAL2DFRawScore The subject's raw score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 DF Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C00035 Gender type GenderTyp Self-reported gender of the participant/subject Self-reported gender of the participant/subjec Gender Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 3.00 2013-08-28 16:08:00.453 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55865 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Manual Imitation (MI) percentage value TOMAL2MIPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Manual Imitation (MI) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 MI %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55814 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Facial Memory (FM) raw score TOMAL2FMRawScore The subject's raw score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 FM Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55879 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) scaled score TOMAL2WSRDScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 WSRD Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55835 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Object Recall (OR) percentage value TOMAL2ORPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Object Recall (OR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 OR %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55850 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Forward (DF) scaled score TOMAL2DFScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 DF Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C19500 Assessment performed date AssessmentPerformedDate The date of assessment of the examination being performed The date of assessment of the examination being performed Date Tested Date or Date & Time Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2014-06-18 08:10:12.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55867 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Backward (DB) raw score TOMAL2DBRawScore The subject's raw score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 DB Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55815 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Facial Memory (FM) scaled score TOMAL2FMScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 FM Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55880 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) percentage value TOMAL2WSRDPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Word Selective Reminding Delayed (WSRD) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 WSRD %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55836 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) raw score TOMAL2VSMRawScore The subject's raw score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 VSM Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55851 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Forward (DF) percentage value TOMAL2DFPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Forward (DF) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 DF %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C21117 Subject name SubjectName Name of subject/participant Name of subject/participan Name Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2015-06-12 15:16:39.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C55868 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Backward (DB) scaled score TOMAL2DBScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 DB Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55817 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Facial Memory (FM) percentage value TOMAL2FMPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Facial Memory (FM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 FM %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 100 percent
C55837 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) scaled score TOMAL2VSMScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 VSM Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55854 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) raw score TOMAL2VSRRawScore The subject's raw score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 VSR Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C50680 Examiner name ExaminerName The name of the person performing the exam The name of the person performing the exa Examiner's Name Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-12-12 00:00:00.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C55869 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Digits Backward (DB) percentage value TOMAL2DBPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Digits Backward (DB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 DB %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55818 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding (WSR) raw score TOMAL2WSRRawScore The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 WSR Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55838 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) percentage value TOMAL2VSMPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Sequential Memory (VSM) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 VSM %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55855 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) scaled score TOMAL2VSRScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 VSR Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C51670 School name SchoolName The name of the school that the subject currently attends, if applicable The name of the school that the subject currently attends, if applicabl School Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-12-12 00:00:00.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C55871 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Letters Backward (LB) raw score TOMAL2LBRawScore The subject's raw score on the Letters Backward (LB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Letters Backward (LB) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 LB Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55821 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Word Selective Reminding (WSR) scaled score TOMAL2WSRScaledScore The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's scaled score on the Word Selective Reminding (WSR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 WSR Scaled Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55840 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Paired Recall (PR) raw score TOMAL2PRRawScore The subject's raw score on the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's raw score on the Paired Recall (PR) verbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 PR Raw Score Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:46:59.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55858 Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2) - Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) percentage value TOMAL2VSRPercntVal The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2) The subject's percentile rank regarding the Visual Selective Reminding (VSR) nonverbal subtest, as part of the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition(TOMAL-2 VSR %ile Rank Numeric Values Reynolds, C., and Voress, J. (2007). Test of Memory and Learning--Revised<br />(Second ed.). Pearson Assessments: San Antonio, TX. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-06-01 11:50:49.0 Test of Memory and Learning Revised (TOMAL-2) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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