CDE Detailed Report

Disease: content
Subdomain Name: Cognitive Assessment
CRF: welcome

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C53935 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A Long-Delay Recognition Tria item response type CVLTCListALDRecognResponseTyp List A Long-Delay Recognition Tria response type, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score List A Long-Delay Recognition Tria response type, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor List A Monday List response type A;BN;BS;BSS;NP;PS;UN A= List A correct;BN = List B Nonshared;BS = List B Shared;BSS = List B Superordinate Shared;NP = Neither List Prototypical;PS = Neither List Phonemically Similar;UN = Neither List Unrelated Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( A=List A correct (CVLTCListATotCorrWordsCount);BS = List B Shared;BSS = List B Superordinate Shared;BN = List B Nonshared;NP = Neither List Prototypical;PS = Neither List Phonemically Similar;UN = Neither List Unrelated.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C53914 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A, trial total correct words count CVLTCListATotCorrWordsCt Total count of correct words recalled by the subject for List A for a given trial (Total C), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Total count of correct words recalled by the subject for List A for a given trial (Total C), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor List A trial total correct words count Numeric Values

Record the number of correct responses for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 15
C53946 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Total intrusions for all free recall trials count CVLTCTotFRIntrCt Total count of intrusions for all free recall trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw score Total count of intrusions for all free recall trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw scor Sum of free recall intrusions Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and (

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 120
C53925 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B free recall trial correct words count CVLTCListBTotCorrWordsCt Total count of correct words recalled from the interference list - List B (Total C), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Total count of correct words recalled from the interference list - List B (Total C), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor For List B: Now, let's pretend you are going shopping again, this time on Tuesday. I 'm going to read a list of things for your to buy. Listen carefully, because when I am through I want you to tell me as many of the things as you can. You can say them in any order as many of them as you can. Also: List B Free recall. Numeric Values

Record the number of correct responses for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 15
C53936 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B shared count CVLTCBSCt Count of recalls shared with List B (BS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Count of recalls shared with List B (BS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor BS = List B Shared Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 4
C53915 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A, trial total intrusions count CVLTCListAIntrCt Total count of intrusions recited by the subject for List A for a given trial (Total I), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Total count of intrusions recited by the subject for List A for a given trial (Total I), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C For trial 1: let's pretend you are going shopping on Monday. I 'm going to read a list of things for your to buy. Listen carefully, because when I am through I want you to tell me as many of the things as you can. You can say them in any order as many of them as you can. Are you ready? Trials 2-5: I'm going to read the Monday shopping list again. Like before, tell me as many of the things as you can, in any order. Be sure to also say things on the list you told me the first time. Also: List A trial 1 Free recall; List A Trial 5 Free recall. Numeric Values

Record the number of intrusions for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53947 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A recognition hits count CVLTCListARecognHistCt Count of recognition hits in List A , as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw score Count of recognition hits in List A , as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw scor A=List A Correct (Hits) Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and (

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 15
C53926 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B, trial total intrusions count CVLTCListBIntrCt Total count of intrusions recited by the subject for List B for a given trial (Total I), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Total count of intrusions recited by the subject for List B for a given trial (Total I), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C For trial 1: let's pretend you are going shopping on Monday. I 'm going to read a list of things for your to buy. Listen carefully, because when I am through I want you to tell me as many of the things as you can. You can say them in any order as many of them as you can. Are you ready? Trials 2-5: I'm going to read the Monday shopping list again. Like before, tell me as many of the things as you can, in any order. Be sure to also say things on the list you told me the first time. Also: List A trial 1 Free recall; List A Trial 5 Free recall. Numeric Values

Record the number of intrusions for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53937 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B superordinate shared words count CVLTCBSSCt Superordinate shared words number List B (BSS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Superordinate shared words number List B (BSS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor BSS = List B Superordinate Shared Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53916 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A, trial total perseverations count CVLTCListAPerseverCt Total count of perseverations recited by the subject for List A for a given trial (Total P), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Total count of perseverations recited by the subject for List A for a given trial (Total P), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C For trial 1: let's pretend you are going shopping on Monday. I 'm going to read a list of things for your to buy. Listen carefully, because when I am through I want you to tell me as many of the things as you can. You can say them in any order as many of them as you can. Are you ready? Trials 2-5: I'm going to read the Monday shopping list again. Like before, tell me as many of the things as you can, in any order. Be sure to also say things on the list you told me the first time. Also: List A trial 1 Free recall; List A Trial 5 Free recall. Numeric Values

Record the number of perseverations for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 15
C53948 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Misses total number CVLTCMissesNum Total number of misses in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Total number of misses in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( CVLTCMissesNum=15-CVLTCListAHistNum.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 30
C53927 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B, trial total perseverations count CVLTCListBPerseverCt Total count of perseverations recited by the subject for List B for a given trial (Total P), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Total count of perseverations recited by the subject for List B for a given trial (Total P), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C For trial 1: let's pretend you are going shopping on Monday. I 'm going to read a list of things for your to buy. Listen carefully, because when I am through I want you to tell me as many of the things as you can. You can say them in any order as many of them as you can. Are you ready? Trials 2-5: I'm going to read the Monday shopping list again. Like before, tell me as many of the things as you can, in any order. Be sure to also say things on the list you told me the first time. Also: List A trial 1 Free recall; List A Trial 5 Free recall. Numeric Values

Record the number of perseverations for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53938 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B non-shared words count CVLTCListBNCt Count of recalls non-shared with List B (BS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Count of recalls non-shared with List B (BS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor BN = List B Nonshared Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53917 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A semantic cluster total score CVLTCListASemClusterTotalScr Total score for List A semantic cluster, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Total score for List A semantic cluster, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List A Monday List semantic cluster score Numeric Values

Record the score for semantic clusters for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53949 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Discriminability raw score CVLTCDiscriminRawScr Raw score for discriminability- accuracy of distinguishing target from distracter words on recognition testing, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Raw score for discriminability- accuracy of distinguishing target from distracter words on recognition testing, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C Discriminability raw score Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Index are not easily computed by hand. See CVLT-C scoring assistant software.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53928 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B semantic cluster total score CVLTCListBSemClusterTotalScr Total score for List B semantic clustering, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Total score for List B semantic clustering, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List B semantic cluster score Numeric Values

Record the score for semantic clusters for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Semantic clustering reflects to words from the same category are remembered together (e.g., peaches, grapes).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 5
C53907 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A items text CVLTCListAItemsTxt Text that lists all List A items in the order they appear on the CRF , as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Text that lists all List A items in the order they appear on the CRF , as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List B Tuesday list Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: List all items from the List as they are given on the CRf. Sample List A in order: bananas; sweater; puzzle; jacket; grapes; blocks; watermelon; shorts; crayons; peaches; balloons; hat; strawberries; belt; marbles. Where "bananas" is number 1 and "marbles" is number 15. Please note that listing the List items in the order they appear on the form is extremely important for validation.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53939 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Neither list prototipical words count CVLTCNPCt Count of neitehr list prototipical (NP) recalls in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Count of neitehr list prototipical (NP) recalls in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor NP = Neither List Prototypical Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 4
C53918 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Behavioral observations text CVLTCBehavObsTxt Free text for behavioral ibservations, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Free text for behavioral ibservations, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C Behavioral observations Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53950 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Response bias raw score CVLTCResponseBiasRawScr Response bias raw score, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Response bias raw score, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C Response bias raw score Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Index are not easily computed by hand. See CVLT-C scoring assistant software.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53929 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Cued recall category CVLTCCuedRecallCat Category of a cued recall provided to the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Category of a cued recall provided to the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor Fruits;Things to play with;Things to wear Fruits;Things to play with;Things to wear Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Semantic clustering reflects to words from the same category are remembered together (e.g., peaches, grapes).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C53908 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B items text CVLTCListBItemsTxt Text that lists all List B items in the order they appear on the CRF , as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Text that lists all List B items in the order they appear on the CRF , as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List B Tuesday list Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: List all items from the List B as they are given on the CRf. Sample List B in order: doughnuts;cherries;table;plums;cookies;lamp;ice cream;pears;bed;candy;rug;lemons;brownies;pineapple;desk. Where "doughnuts" is number 1 and "desk" is number 15. Please note that listing the List items in he order they appear on the form is extremely important for validation.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53940 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Neither list phonemically similar words count CVLTCPSCt Count of neither phonemically similar recalls (PS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Count of neither phonemically similar recalls (PS) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor PS = Neither List Phonemically Similar Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 6
C53919 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Serial position recall region type CVLTCSerialPosRecallRegionTyp Type of region (primacy region, middle region, or recency region), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Type of region (primacy region, middle region, or recency region), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C Serial position recall region Middle;Primacy;Recency Middle;Primacy;Recency Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and (

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C53930 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Long-Delay Free-Recall Trial start time CVLTCLDFreeRecallStartTime Starting time of Long Delay Free Recall trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Starting time of Long Delay Free Recall trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor Starting Time of Long-Delay Free-Recall Trial Date or Date & Time

Note. The total delay should be about 20 minutes. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53909 Trial numeric number TriaNumericNum The number representing the sequence for any repeated measure test or assessment when it is performed multiple times The number representing the sequence for any repeated measure test or assessment when it is performed multiple time Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53941 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Neither list unrelated words count CVLTCUNCt Count of neither list unrelated recalls (UN) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Count of neither list unrelated recalls (UN) in List A Long-Delay Recognition trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor UN = Neither List Unrelated Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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0 6
C53920 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Serial position recall correct number CVLTCSerialPosRecallCorrNum Number correct for the serial position recall, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Number correct for the serial position recall, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor Number correct Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53931 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Short Delay Cued recall finishing time CVLTCSDCuedRecallEndTime Finishing time of Short-Delay Cued-Recall trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Finishing time of Short-Delay Cued-Recall trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor Starting Time of Long-Delay Free-Recall Trial Date or Date & Time

Note. The total delay should be about 20 minutes. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53910 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A item response text CVLTCListAItemResponseTxt Text that captures List A item response given by the subject as a single word, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Text that captures List A item response given by the subject as a single word, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List B Tuesday list Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: capture a single word response. Use together with CVLTCListAItemsTxt, which captures the whole list A given to the subject and CVLTCListAIRItemRecallOrderNum, which captures the serial number of the word recalled by the subject.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53942 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - False positive total count CVLTCFalsePositiveTotCt Total count of false positives - a number of words incorrectly identified as List A target, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as raw score Total count of false positives - a number of words incorrectly identified as List A target, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as raw scor False positive raw score Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Index are not easily computed by hand. See CVLT-C scoring assistant software.

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0 100
C53921 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Serial-Cluster raw score CVLTCSerialClustRawScr Serial-Cluster raw score raw score calculated as a number of word pairs recalled in a serial cluster, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Serial-Cluster raw score raw score calculated as a number of word pairs recalled in a serial cluster, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C Serial-Cluster ratio (Observed/Expected) raw score Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Index are not easily computed by hand. See CVLT-C scoring assistant software.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53932 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - End of Short-Delay Cued-Recall trial and start of Long-Delay Free-Recall trial delay duration CVLTCSDLDDelayDur Duration of total delay (in minutes) between the end of Short-Delay Cued-Recall trial and start of Long-Delay Free-Recall trial (usually 20 minutes), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw sco Duration of total delay (in minutes) between the end of Short-Delay Cued-Recall trial and start of Long-Delay Free-Recall trial (usually 20 minutes), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw sc Starting Time of Long-Delay Free-Recall Trial Numeric Values

Note. The total delay should be about 20 minutes. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

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0 60
C53911 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A item response order number CVLTCListAItemRecallOrderNum List A item response number, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Blso used as a trial/list raw score List A item response number, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Blso used as a trial/list raw scor List A immediate recall item response order number 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20 Numeric Values

Record the item responce number for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Use together with CVLTCListBItemsTxt, which captures the whole list B given to the subject and CVLTCListBItemsResponseTxt, which captures the serial number of the word recalled by the subject. Also used to calculate CVLTCListBSemClusterTotalScr.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C53943 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A, total words recalled count CVLTCListATotWordsRecalledCt Total count of recalled words (including perseverations and intrusions), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score Total count of recalled words (including perseverations and intrusions), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor Total # of Words Recalled (Including Perseverations and Intrusions) Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and (

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53922 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B item response text CVLTCListBItemResponseTxt Text that captures List B item response given by the subject as a single word, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Text that captures List B item response given by the subject as a single word, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List B Tuesday list Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: capture a single word response. Use together with CVLTCListBItemsTxt, which captures the whole list B given to the subject and CVLTCListBIRItemRecallOrderNum, which captures the serial number of the word recalled by the subject.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53933 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A Long-Delay Recognition Trial items text CVLTCListALDRecognItemsTxt Text that lists all List A Long-Delay Recognition trial items in the order they appear on the CRF (45 items total), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Includes 15 items from List A+15 items from List B and + 15 items t Text that lists all List A Long-Delay Recognition trial items in the order they appear on the CRF (45 items total), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Includes 15 items from List A+15 items from List B and + 15 items List B Tuesday list Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: List all 45 items from the List A (Monday List) Long-Delay Recognition Trial List as they are given on the CRF. Please note that listing the List items in the order they appear on the form is extremely important for validation.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53912 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A and B item response type CVLTCListABItemResponseTyp List A and B item response type (e.g. correct, intrusion, perseveration), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score List A and B item response type (e.g. correct, intrusion, perseveration), as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor List A Monday List response type C;I;P Correct;Intrusion;Perseveration Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C53944 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Total perseverations for all recalls/trials count CVLTCTotPerseverCt Total count of perseverations for all trials/recalls, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw score Total count of perseverations for all trials/recalls, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw score Sum of perseverations Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and (

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0 150
C53923 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B recall item response order number CVLTCListBItemRecallOrderNum List B item response number, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) List B item response number, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List A immediate recall item response order number 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20 Numeric Values

Record the item responce number for each trial. Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Use together with CVLTCListBItemsTxt, which captures the whole list B given to the subject and CVLTCListBItemsResponseTxt, which captures the serial number of the word recalled by the subject. Also used to calculate CVLTCListBSemClusterTotalScr.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C53934 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A Long-Delay Recognition Trial item response text CVLTCListALDRecognResponseTxt Text that captures- List A Long-Delay Recognition Trial item responce given by the subject as a single word, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) Text that captures- List A Long-Delay Recognition Trial item responce given by the subject as a single word, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C List B Tuesday list Alphanumeric

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: capture a single word which was answered as "yes" by the subject. Use together with CVLTCListALDRecognItemsTxt and CVLTCListALDRecognResponseTyp.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points 4000

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C53913 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List A item semantic cluster score CVLTCListAItemSemClusterScr List A item semantic cluster score, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score List A item semantic cluster score, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor List A Monday List semantic cluster score Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( For data submission: this data element should be used along with use with the recall type (CVLTRecallTyp) and trial number (TrialNumber).

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53945 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - Total intrusions for all cued recall trials count CVLTCTotCRIntrCt Total count of intrusions for all cued recall trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw score Total count of intrusions for all cued recall trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a raw scor Sum of cued recall intrusions Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and (

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C53924 California Verbal Learning Test Childrens version (CVLT-C) - List B item semantic cluster score CVLTCListBItemSemClusterScr List B item semantic clustering score, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw score List B item semantic clustering score, as part of California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C). Also used as a trial/list raw scor List b semantic cluster score 0;1;2;3;4;5 0;1;2;3;4;5 Numeric Values

Refer to the California Verbal Learning Test Children's version (CVLT-C) scoring manual and scoring software for more information.( and ( Semantic clustering reflects words from the same category are remembered together (e.g., "peaches, grapes"). Usually tehre are up to 5 sematic clusters in a given list.

Copyright 1994, Pearson Inc, All rights reserved. Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-02-10 00:00:00.0 California Verbal Learning Test - Children (CVLT-C) Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected