CDE Detailed Report

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Subdomain Name: Cognitive Assessment
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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C55444 CNS Vital Signs - Finger tapping test right tap average value CNSVtSgnFTTRghtTapAvgVal Value related to right tap average of the finger tapping test, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Value related to right tap average of the finger tapping test, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Finger Tapping Test - Right tap average Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 11:44:36.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55455 CNS Vital Signs - Continuous performance test correct responses count CNSVtlSnsCPTCrrctRespCt Count related to the number of continuous performance test correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of continuous performance test correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Continuous Performance Test - Correct Responses Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:59:35.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55445 CNS Vital Signs - Composite score finger tapping test left tap average value CNSVtlSnsFTTLfTpAvgVal Value related to left tap average of the finger tapping test, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Value related to left tap average of the finger tapping test, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Finger Tapping Test - Left tap average Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:23:21.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55456 CNS Vital Signs - Continuous performance test omission errors count CNSVtlSnsCPTOmissnErrorsCt Count related to continuous performance test omission errors, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to continuous performance test omission errors, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Continuous Performance Test - Omission Errors Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 13:05:54.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55446 CNS Vital Signs - Symbol digit coding correct responses count CNSVtlSnsSDCCrrctRespCt Count related to the number of correct symbol digit coding responses, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of correct symbol digit coding responses, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Symbol Digit Coding - correct responses Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:27:00.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55457 CNS Vital Signs - Continuous performance test commission errors count CNSVtlSnsCPTCommisErrorsCt Count related to continuous performance test commission errors, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to continuous performance test commission errors, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Continuous Performance Test - Comission Errors Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 13:07:50.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55447 CNS Vital Signs - Symbol digit coding errors count CNSVtlSnsSDCErrorCnt Count related to the number of symbol digit coding errors, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of symbol digit coding errors, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Symbol Digit Coding - errors Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:30:33.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55458 CNS Vital Signs - Continuous performance test choice reaction time correct count CNSVtlSnsCPTCChcRectTmCrrctCt Count related to continuous performance test choice reaction time correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to continuous performance test choice reaction time correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Continuous Performance Test - Choice Reaction Time Correct Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 13:09:29.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55405 CNS Vital Signs - Verbal memory test correct hits immediate count CNSVtlSnsVBMCrtHtImdCt Count related to the number of correct verbal memory test immediate hits, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of correct verbal memory test immediate hits, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Verbal Memory Test - Correct hits immediate Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 12:11:15.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55448 CNS Vital Signs - Simple reaction time value CNSVtlSnsSTSimpReacTimeVal Value related to stroop test simple reaction time, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Value related to stroop test simple reaction time, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Stroop test - Simple reaction time Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:34:34.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55406 CNS Vital Signs - Composite score verbal memory test correct hits passes count CNSVtlSnsVBMCrHtsPasCt Count related to the number of verbal memory test correct hits passes, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of verbal memory test correct hits passes, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Verbal Memory Test - correct hits passes Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 12:19:35.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55449 CNS Vital Signs - Stroop test complex reaction time correct count CNSVtlSnsSTCmplxRectTimeCrctCt Count related to the number of stroop test complex reaction time correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of stroop test complex reaction time correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Stroop test - complex reaction time correct Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:41:25.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55410 CNS Vital Signs - Verbal memory test correct passes delay count CNSVtlSnsVBMCrtPsDlyCt Count related to the number of verbal memory test correct passes delay, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of verbal memory test correct passes delay, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Verbal Memory Test - correct passes delay Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 13:31:28.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55450 CNS Vital Signs - Stroop test reaction time correct count CNSVtlSnsSTReacTimeCrrctCt Count related to stroop reaction time correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to stroop reaction time correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Stroop test - stroop reaction time correct Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:44:58.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55419 CNS Vital Signs - Visual memory test correct hits immediate count CNSVtlSnsVIMCrtHtImdCt Count related to the number of visual memory test correct hits immediate, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of visual memory test correct hits immediate, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Visual Memory Test - Correct hits immediate Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 13:50:42.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55451 CNS Vital Signs - Stroop test commission errors count CNSVtlSnsSTCommisErrorCt Count related to the number of stroop test commission erros, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of stroop test commission erros, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Stroop test - stroop commission errors Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:49:56.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55434 CNS Vital Signs - Visual memory test correct hits passes count CNSVtlSnsVITCrtHtPasCt Count related to the number of visual memory test correct hits passes, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of visual memory test correct hits passes, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Visual Memory Test - correct hits passes Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 13:50:42.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55452 CNS Vital Signs- Shifting attention test correct responses count CNSVtlSnsSATCrrctRespCt Count related to the number of shifting attention test correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of shifting attention test correct responses, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Shifting Attention Test - Correct Responses Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:51:36.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55440 CNS Vital Signs - Visual memory test correct hits delay count CNSVtlSnsVIMCrtHtDlyCt Count related to the number of Visual Memory Test correct hits delay, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of Visual Memory Test correct hits delay, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Visual Memory Test - correct hits - delay Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 14:50:29.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55453 CNS Vital Signs - Shifting attention test errors count CNSVtlSnsSATErrorsCt Count related to the number of shifting attention test errors, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of shifting attention test errors, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Shifting Attention Test - Errors Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:53:55.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55443 CNS Vital Signs - Visual memory test correct passes delay count CNSVtlSgnsVisMemTstCrtPsDlyCnt Count related to the number of correct passes delay of the Visual Memory Test, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to the number of correct passes delay of the Visual Memory Test, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Visual Memory Test - correct passes delay Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-04 15:27:23.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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C55454 CNS Vital Signs- Shifting attention test correct reaction time count CNSVtlSnsSATCrrctReactTimeCt Count related to shifting attention test correct reaction time, as a part of CNS Vital Signs Count related to shifting attention test correct reaction time, as a part of CNS Vital Sign Shifting Attention Test - Correct Reaction time Numeric Values Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 21 623-643<br />Gualtieri, CT, Johnson LG (2008). CNS Vital Signs: A Computerized Test Battery Sensitive to Mild and Severe Brain Injury. Medscape J Med. 10(4): 90. Adult;Pediatric Core 1.00 2017-05-05 12:55:37.0 CNS Vital Signs Cognitive Assessment Outcomes and End Points

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