CDE Detailed Report
Disease: Spinal Cord Injury
Subdomain Name: Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging
CRF: Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Displaying 1 - 33 of 33
Subdomain Name: Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging
CRF: Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Displaying 1 - 33 of 33
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C18611 | Imaging field of view axis 2 measurement | ImgFieldViewAxis2Measr | Axis 2 of the image that is visible through the camera at a particular position in orientation and space in millimeters | Axis 2 of the image that is visible through the camera at a particular position in orientation and space in millimeters | Matrix size | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2013-09-12 00:00:00.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeter | |||||||||||
C08236 | Imaging scanner software name | ImgScannerSftwrName | Name of the scanner software that runs the imaging camera | Name of the scanner software that runs the imaging camera | Name | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations | 4000 |
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C10593 | Imaging fat signal suppressed indicator | ImgFatSignalSuppressedInd | Indicator as to whether or not fat signal was suppressed in imaging acquisition | Indicator as to whether or not fat signal was suppressed in imaging acquisition | Fat suppression | Yes;No;Unknown;Not applicable | Yes;No;Unknown;Not applicable | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C18716 | Imaging scanner manufacturer name other text | ImgScannerManufNameOTH | The free-text field related to 'Imaging scanner manufacturer name', specifying other text. Name of manufacturer of imaging scanner | The free-text field related to 'Imaging scanner manufacturer name', specifying other text. Name of manufacturer of imaging scanner | Other | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 2.00 | 2022-06-28 13:09:35.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations | 4000 |
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C08238 | Imaging repetition gap duration | ImgRepetitionGapDur | Duration between successive pulse sequences, in milliseconds, applied to the same slice during imaging acquisition | Duration between successive pulse sequences, in milliseconds, applied to the same slice during imaging acquisition | Repetition time (TR) | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.10 | 2024-02-29 15:47:45.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millisecond | |||||||||||
C10685 | Imaging slice orientation type | ImgSliceOrientTyp | Type of slice orientation used in imaging acquisition | Type of slice orientation used in imaging acquisition | Slide orientation | Axial;Coronal;Sagittal;Oblique | Axial;Coronal;Sagittal;Oblique | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.10 | 2024-02-29 15:47:40.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C18718 | Imaging scanner strength value type other text | ImgScannerStrgthValTypOTH | The free-text field related to 'Imaging scanner strength value type', specifying other text. Type of value, in Tesla (T), of the scanner's magnetic field strength used for the scan being reported | The free-text field related to 'Imaging scanner strength value type', specifying other text. Type of value, in Tesla (T), of the scanner's magnetic field strength used for the scan being reported | Other | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 2.10 | 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations | 4000 |
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C08239 | Imaging echo duration | ImgEchoDur | Duration between the application of the 90 degree pulse and the peak of the echo signal, in milliseconds, during the spin echo and inversion recovery pulse sequences in imaging acquisition | Duration between the application of the 90 degree pulse and the peak of the echo signal, in milliseconds, during the spin echo and inversion recovery pulse sequences in imaging acquisition | Echo time (TE) | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.20 | 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millisecond | |||||||||||
C10687 | Imaging diffusion first b value | ImgDiffusionFirstBVal | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the first b-value used in diffusion acquisition | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the first b-value used in diffusion acquisitio | b-value | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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square millimeter per second | |||||||||||
C19326 | Imaging frame of reference type | ImgFrameReferenceTyp | The type related to imaging of frame of reference | The type related to imaging of frame of referenc | Frame of reference | Orthogonal;Rotated | Orthogonal;Rotated | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2014-06-09 16:03:36.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C08240 | Imaging flip angle measurement | ImgFlipAngleMeasr | Measurement of the angle, in degrees, over which the radio frequency changes proton spin angle | Measurement of the angle, in degrees over which the radio frequency changes proton spin angle | FA | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.10 | 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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degree | |||||||||||
C10837 | Imaging gap between slices measurement | ImgGapBetwnSlicesMeasr | Measurement of the gap between slices used in imaging acquisition | Measurement of the gap between slices used in imaging acquisition | Slice gap | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeter | |||||||||||
C19331 | Imaging number of excitations count | ImgNEXCt | The count as related to number of diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions or number of excitations | The count as related to number of diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions or number of excitation | NEX | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2014-06-09 16:43:30.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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0 | 5 | ||||||||||
C08241 | Imaging field of view axis 1 measurement | ImgFieldViewAxis1Measr | Measurement of axis 1 of the image that is visible through the camera at a particular position in orientation and space in millimeters | Measurement of axis 1 of the image that is visible through the camera at a particular position in orientation and space in millimeters | Matrix size | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.10 | 2024-02-29 15:47:41.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeter | |||||||||||
C10838 | Imaging voxel size axis 1 measurement | ImgVoxelSizeAxis1Measr | Measurement, in millimeters, of the axis 1 dimension of the voxel within the anatomy of interest | Measurement, in millimeters, of the axis 1 dimension of the voxel within the anatomy of interest | Voxel size | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeter | |||||||||||
C19332 | Imaging two dimensional radio frequency tilt angle measurement | ImgTwoDimRadFreqTiltAngleMeasr | The measurement in degree for the two dimensional radio frequency tilt angle in imaging | The measurement in degree for the two dimensional radio frequency tilt angle in imagin | 2DRF tilt angle | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2014-06-09 17:06:30.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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0 | 360 | degree | |||||||||
C08244 | Imaging slice thickness value | ImgSliceThicknessVal | Value of the thickness of the slice measured in millimeters (mm) | Value of the thickness of the slice measured in millimeters (mm) | Slice thickness | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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0 | 99 | millimeter | |||||||||
C17793 | Imaging diffusion fourth b value | ImgDiffusionFourthBVal | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the fourth b-value used in diffusion acquisition | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the fourth b-value used in diffusion acquisitio | b-value | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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square millimeter per second | |||||||||||
C02494 | Imaging study date and time | ImgStdyDateTime | Date (and time, if applicable and known) the radiologic study was obtained | Date (and time, if applicable and known) the radiologic study was obtained | Imaging study date and time | Date or Date & Time | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.10 | 2024-02-29 15:51:00.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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C19370 | Frequency field of view phase measurement | FrequencyFOVPhaseMeasr | Phase measurement of spatial encoding area of frequency image | Phase measurement of spatial encoding area of frequency image | Freq FOV mm | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2014-06-13 11:04:57.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeters | |||||||||||
C08245 | Imaging slice count | ImgSliceCt | Count representing the total number of single image planes captured during imaging acquisition | Count representing the total number of single image planes captured during imaging acquisition | Number of slices | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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C17794 | Imaging diffusion second b value | ImgDiffusionSecondBVal | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the second b-value used in diffusion acquisition | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the second b-value used in diffusion acquisitio | b-value | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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square millimeter per second | |||||||||||
C02495 | Imaging scanner strength value type | ImgScannerStrgthValTyp | Type of value, in Tesla (T), of the scanner's magnetic field strength used for the scan being reported | Type of value, in Tesla (T), of the scanner's magnetic field strength used for the scan being reported | Magnetic field strength of scanner used | 1.5T;3.0T;4.0T;7.0T;Other, specify | 1.5T;3.0T;4.0T;7.0T;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 4.00 | 2024-02-29 15:47:31.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C10586 | Imaging bandwidth value | ImgBandwidthVal | Value, in Hertz per pixel, of bandwidth used in imaging acquisition | Value, in Hertz per pixel, of bandwidth used in imaging acquisitio | Band width | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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Hertz per pixel | |||||||||||
C17795 | Imaging diffusion third b value | ImgDiffusionThirdBVal | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the third b-value used in diffusion acquisition | Value, in square millimeters per second, of the third b-value used in diffusion acquisitio | b-value | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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square millimeter per second | |||||||||||
C02496 | Imaging scanner manufacturer name | ImgScannerManufName | Name of manufacturer of imaging scanner | Name of manufacturer of imaging scanner | Name of scanner manufacturer | Agfa;Carestream;GE;Hitachi;Hologic;Konica Minolta;Philips;Siemens;Toshiba;Other, specify | Agfa;Carestream;GE;Hitachi;Hologic;Konica Minolta;Philips;Siemens;Toshiba;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 4.00 | 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C10588 | Imaging echo train length measurement | ImgEchoTrainLngthMeasr | Measurement of the echo train length used in imaging acquisition | Measurement of the echo train length used in imaging acquisition | Echo train length | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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C17858 | Imaging voxel size axis 2 measurement | ImgVoxelSizeAxis2Measr | Measurement, in millimeters, of the axis 2 dimension of the voxel within the anatomy of interest | Measurement, in millimeters, of the axis 2 dimension of the voxel within the anatomy of interest | Voxel size | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeter | |||||||||||
C02498 | Imaging scanner software version number text | ImgScannerSftwrVrsnNumTxt | Free-text field specifying the version number of the imaging scanner software | Free-text field specifying the version number of the imaging scanner software | Version number | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 4.00 | 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations | 4000 |
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C10591 | Imaging phase encode direction text | ImgPhasEncdeDirctTxt | Text description of the phase encode direction used in imaging technique acquisition | Text description of the phase encode direction used in imaging technique acquisition | Phase-encode direction | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations | 4000 |
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C17859 | Imaging voxel size axis 3 measurement | ImgVoxelSizeAxis3Measr | Measurement, in millimeters, of the axis 3 dimension of the voxel within the anatomy of interest | Measurement, in millimeters, of the axis 3 dimension of the voxel within the anatomy of interest | Voxel size | Numeric Values | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
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millimeter | |||||||||||
C02499 | Imaging pulse sequence type | ImgPulseSeqTyp | Type of imaging pulse sequence used | Type of imaging pulse sequence used | Sequence | rFOV;EPI;Spin echo | Reduced field of view (rFOV);Echo Planar Imaging (EPI);Spin echo | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 4.00 | 2024-02-29 15:47:35.0 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected |
C10592 | Imaging flow compensation indicator | ImgFlowCompnsatnInd | Indicator of whether flow compensation was used in imaging acquisition | Indicator of whether flow compensation was used in imaging acquisition | Flow comp | Yes;No;Unknown;Not applicable | Yes;No;Unknown;Not applicable | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging | Spinal Imaging/Spinal Cord Imaging | Assessments and Examinations |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |