CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Neuromuscular Diseases
Subdomain Name: Non-Imaging Diagnostics
CRF: Electrophysiology

Displaying 51 - 88 of 88
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C12762 Electrophysiology quantitative sweat function foot measurement ElctphysQuantSweatFunctFtMeasr The amount of sweat collected on the foot The amount of sweat collected on the foot Foot Numeric Values

Record the amount of sweat collected in microliters (uL)

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C10786 Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation nerve type ElctphysMUNENervTyp Type of nerve where an electrical signal is measured with the MUNE (motor unit number estimation) technique Type of nerve where an electrical signal is measured with the MUNE (motor unit number estimation) technique Nerve Stimulated Axillary;Facial;Femoral;Mandibular;Maxillary;Median;Perineal;Radial;Sciatic;Tibial;Ulnar;Other, specify Axillary;Facial;Femoral;Mandibular;Maxillary;Median;Perineal;Radial;Sciatic;Tibial;Ulnar;Other, specify Alphanumeric

Record the CMAP and SMUP measurements for each nerve and side (right or left)

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12727 Electrophysiology repetitive nerve postactivation area measurement ElctphyReptNervPstactAreaMeasr Measurement, in mVms, of the area of the postactivation being described at the time specified for the repetitive nerve study being recorded Measurement, in mVms, of the area of the postactivation being described at the time specified for the repetitive nerve study being recorded Postactivation Area Numeric Values

Record the amplitude of the response to Postactivation stimulus in millivolts (mV). Record the amplitude for postactivation #1, #n, and 1-n ? for each postactivation timepoint.

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milliVolt per millisecond
C12738 Needle electromyography interference pattern analysis result NdlElctrmygrInterfPttrnAnlyRes The result of the interference pattern analysis measure during needle electromyography The result of the interference pattern analysis measure during needle electromyography Interference Pattern Analysis Result Alphanumeric

Answer for both left and right sides of the body

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C17969 Electrophysiology sensory nerve segment name ElctphysSensNervSegmntNam The name of the segment used in sensory nerve conduction studies The name of the segment used in motor or sensory nerve conduction studies Segment Alphanumeric No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations 255

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C12705 Electrophysiology sensory nerve velocity measurement EltrphysSensryNervVeloctyMeasr The signal transmission speed measured during the sensory nerve conduction study The signal transmission speed measured during the sensory nerve conduction study Velocity (normal limit) Numeric Values

Record the velocity in meters per second (m/s). Record for each segment tested

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meter per second
C12752 Electrophysiology heart rate variability value ElctphysHRVaribltyVal The heart rate variability with deep breathing measured during autonomic function testing The heart rate variability with deep breathing measured during autonomic function testing Heart Rate variability with Deep Breathing Numeric Values

Record the heart rate variability in beats/minute

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0 300 beats per minute
C12717 Electrophysiology repetitive nerve stimulation study stimulus intensity value ElctphyReptNervStimStdyIntnVal Value, in mV, of stimulation intensity in the repetitive nerve study being recorded Value, in mV, of stimulation intensity in the repetitive nerve study being recorded Stimulus Intensity Numeric Values

Record the intensity of the stimulus in millivolts (mV)

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C12763 Electrophysiology tilt study heart rate change result ElctphysTiltStdyHRChngReslt Heart rate changes experienced from a tilt test Heart rate changes experienced from a tilt test Heart Rate changes Alphanumeric

No additional instructions

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C12693 Electrophysiology H-reflex nerve segment name ElctphysHReflxNervSegmtNam The nerve segment used for the H-reflex test The nerve segment used for the H-reflex test Nerve Segment Alphanumeric

Record the name of the nerve segment used for H-reflex testing

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C12728 Needle electromyography electrode type NdlElctrmygrphyElectrdTyp Type of electrode used for the needle electromyography Type of electrode used for the needle electromyography Electrode Type Concentric;Monopolar Concentric;Monopolar Alphanumeric

Choose one

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12739 Electrophysiology neuromuscular jitter electrode type ElctphysNeuromsJittrElectrdTyp The type of electrode used for the neuromuscular jitter test The type of electrode used for the neuromuscular jitter test Electrode Type SFEMG;Concentric Needle Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG);Concentric Needle Alphanumeric

Record the type of jitter electrode used

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Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18808 Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation method used other text ElctphysMUNEMethdUseOTH The free-text field related to 'Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation method used type' specifying other text. Type of method or technique used for MUNE (motor unit number estimation) The free-text field related to 'Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation method used type' specifying other text. Type of method or technique used for MUNE (motor unit number estimation) Other, specify Alphanumeric

Choose one for each muscle studied

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C12706 Electrophysiology sensory nerve amplitude measurement ElctphysSensryNervAmpMeasr The amplitude measured during the sensory nerve conduction study The amplitude measured during the sensory nerve conduction study Amplitude (normal limit) Numeric Values

Record the measured amplitude in millivolts (mV). Record for each segment tested

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C12753 Electrophysiology expiratory inspiratory ratio ElctphysExpInspRat Ratio of the expiratory time to the inspiratory time during the breathing cycle measured during autonomic function testing Ratio of the expiratory time to the inspiratory time during the breathing cycle measured during autonomic function testing Expiratory/Inspiratory (E/I) Ratio Numeric Values

No additional instructions

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C01539 Temperature measurement TempMeasr Measurement of the participant's/subject's body temperature Measurement of the participant's/subject's body temperatur Temperature Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-08-28 16:08:00.453 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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0 50 degree Celsius 2644401
C12718 Electrophysiology repetitive nerve stimulation study preactivation number ElctphysReptNrvStimStdPreacNum The numeric identifier corresponding to the amplitude and area values recorded for preactivation during the repetitive nerve stimulation study The numeric identifier corresponding to the amplitude and area values recorded for preactivation during the repetitive nerve stimulation study Preactivation Numeric Values

Record the correct number in the series of preactivation timepoints

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C12764 Electrophysiology tilt study blood pressure change result ElctphysTiltStdyBPChngReslt Blood Pressure changes experienced from a tilt test Blood Pressure changes experienced from a tilt test Blood Pressure changes Alphanumeric

No additional instructions

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C12696 Electrophysiology motor nerve segment name ElctphysMotrNervSegmntName The name of the segment used for the motor nerve conduction study The name of the segment used for the motor nerve conduction study Segment Alphanumeric No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations 255

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C12729 Needle electromyography spontaneous activity type NdlElctrmygrphySATyp The type of spontaneous activity (SA) experienced by the participant/subject when undergoing needle electromyography The type of spontaneous activity (SA) experienced by the participant/subject when undergoing needle electromyography Spontaneous Activity Fibrillation potentials;Positive sharp waves;Fasciculation potentials;Other, specify Fibrillation potentials;Positive sharp waves;Fasciculation potentials;Other, specify Alphanumeric

Answer for both left and right sides of the body

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C12740 Electrophysiology neuromuscular jitter activation technique type ElctphyNeuromsJitrActvtTechTyp The activation technique used for the neuromuscular jitter test The activation technique used for the neuromuscular jitter test Activation Technique Voluntary;Stimulation Voluntary;Stimulation Alphanumeric

Record the activation technique used in jitter muscle test

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18809 Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation nerve other text ElctphysMUNENervOTH The free-text field related to 'Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation nerve type' specifying other text. Type of nerve where an electrical signal is measured with the MUNE (motor unit number estimation) technique The free-text field related to 'Electrophysiology motor unit number estimation nerve type' specifying other text. Type of nerve where an electrical signal is measured with the MUNE (motor unit number estimation) technique Other, specify Alphanumeric

Record the CMAP and SMUP measurements for each nerve and side (right or left)

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C12707 Electrophysiology H-reflex latency left value ElctphysHReflxLatncyLftVal The H-reflex duration of latency for the left side of the body The H-reflex duration of latency for the left side of the body Latency left Numeric Values

Record the latency for the left side of the body in milliseconds (ms)

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C12754 Electrophysiology mean circular result ElctphysMeanCircReslt The mean circular result (MCR) measured during autonomic function testing The mean circular result (MCR) measured during autonomic function testing Mean circular resultant Numeric Values

No additional instructions

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C01580 Temperature unit of measure TempUOM Unit of measure for the temperature numerical value Unit of measure for the temperature numerical value Temperature units F;C degrees Fahrenheit;degrees Celsius Alphanumeric Unified Code for Units of Measure - Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12719 Electrophysiology repetitive nerve stimulation study preactivation amplitude measurement ElctphRptvNrvStmStPreacAmpMeas Measurement, in mV, of the amplitude of the preactivation being described for the repetitive nerve study being recorded Measurement, in mV, of the amplitude of the preactivation being described for the repetitive nerve study being recorded Preactivation Amplitude Numeric Values

Record the amplitude in millivolts (mV) To be answered for preactivation #1, #n, and 1-n?

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C12765 Electrophysiology short pre-exercise compound muscle action potential time ElctphysShrtPreExercsCMAPTime The time intervals used to measure compound muscle action potential (CMAP) during pre-exercise The time intervals used to measure compound muscle action potential (CMAP) during pre-exercise Pre-Exercise CMAP 3 minutes;CMAP 2 minutes;CMAP 1 minute Compound motor actional potential (CMAP) at 3 minutes;Compound motor actional potential (CMAP) at 2 minutes;Compound motor actional potential (CMAP) at 1 minute Alphanumeric

Choose all times at which data were recorded

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Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C12697 Electrophysiology motor nerve latency value ElctphysMotrNervLatncyVal The length of time needed for the electrical impulse to travel between the stimulation and recording sites measured during the motor nerve conduction study The length of time needed for the electrical impulse to travel between the stimulation and recording sites measured during the motor nerve conduction study Latency (normal limit) Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C12730 Needle electromyography motor unit action potential amplitude measurement NdlElctrmygrphyMUAPAmpMeasr The amplitude value of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) measure during needle electromyography The amplitude value of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) measure during needle electromyography MUAP: Amplitude Numeric Values

Record the amplitude in microvolts (uV). Answer for both left and right sides of the body

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C12741 Electrophysiology neuromuscular jitter stimulation type ElctphysNeuromsclrJittrStimTyp Indicator of the stimulation technique, if applicable, used for activation in the neuromuscular jitter study being described Indicator of the stimulation technique, if applicable, used for activation in the neuromuscular jitter study being described If Stimulation, specify Axonal;Nerve Axonal (needle);Nerve (surface electrode) Alphanumeric

This value is only recorded if Stimulation is answered for Activation Technique.

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Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18871 Needle electromyography spontaneous activity other text NdlElctrmygrphySAOTH The free-text field related to 'Needle electromyography spontaneous activity type' specifying other text. The type of spontaneous activity (SA) experienced by the participant/subject when undergoing needle electromyography The free-text field related to 'Needle electromyography spontaneous activity type' specifying other text. The type of spontaneous activity (SA) experienced by the participant/subject when undergoing needle electromyography Other, specify Alphanumeric

Answer for both left and right sides of the body

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C12708 Electrophysiology H-reflex latency right value ElctphysHReflxLatncyRtVal The H-reflex duration of latency for the right side of the body The H-reflex duration of latency for the right side of the body Latency right Numeric Values

Record the latency for the right side of the body in milliseconds (ms)

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C12755 Electrophysiology Valsalva ratio ElctphysValslvaRatio The Valsalva ratio measured during autonomic function testing The Valsalva ratio measured during autonomic function testing Valsalva Ratio Numeric Values

No additional instructions

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C02411 Laterality type LatTyp Laterality type relative to the anatomic site of the body examined or affected Laterality type relative to the anatomic site of the body examined or affected Side Left;Right;Midline Left;Right;Midline Alphanumeric No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-08-28 16:08:00.453 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12720 Electrophysiology repetitive nerve stimulation study preactivation area measurement ElctphyRptvNrvStmStPreacArMeas Measurement, in mVms, of the area of the preactivation being described for the repetitive nerve study being recorded Measurement, in mVms, of the area of the preactivation being described for the repetitive nerve study being recorded Preactivation Area Numeric Values

Record the area of the response in millivolt milliseconds (mVms) To be answered for preactivation #1, #n, and 1-n?

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milliVolt per millisecond
C12731 Needle electromyography motor unit action potential area measurement NdlElctrmygrphyMUAPAreaMeasr The area value of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) measure during needle electromyography The area value of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) measure during needle electromyography MUAP: Area Numeric Values

Record the area in microvolt milliseconds (uVms). Answer for both left and right sides of the body

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microVolt per millisecond
C12766 Electrophysiology short pre-exercise compound muscle action potential measurement ElctphysShrtPreExercsCMAPMeasr The compound muscle action potential (CMAP) values measured at the pre-exercise intervals The compound muscle action potential (CMAP) values measured at the pre-exercise intervals Pre-Exercise Numeric Values

To be answered for all pre-exercise intervals in millivolts (mV)

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C12698 Electrophysiology motor nerve segment length measurement ElctphysMotrNervSegmtLngMeasr The nerve segment length measured during the motor nerve conduction study The nerve segment length measured during the motor nerve conduction study Segment Length Numeric Values No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Electrophysiology Non-Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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