CDE Detailed Report

Disease: content
Subdomain Name: Cognitive
CRF: welcome

Displaying 1 - 33 of 33
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C09332 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - full energy indicator GDSFullEnrgyInd Indicator whether over the past week respondent felt full of energy, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether over the past week respondent felt full of energy, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you feel full of energy? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09343 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - total score GDSTtlScore Value of count of all "yes" answers, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Value of count of all "yes" answers, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Total Score (short form) Numeric Values

Score 1 point for each bolded answer. A score of 5 or more suggests depression

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Free-Form Entry

0 15
C21912 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Concentration trouble indicator GDSTroubleConcentrateInd Indicator whether the subject has trouble concentrating(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject has trouble concentrating(long form) (GDSLF) Do you have trouble concentrating? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:42:49.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09333 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - situation hopeless indicator GDSSituatnHopelssInd Indicator whether over the past week respondent felt her or his situation is hopeless, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether over the past week respondent felt her or his situation is hopeless, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21900 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Future hopeful indicator GDSHopefulAboutFutureInd Indicator whether the subject is hopeful about the future (long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject is hopeful about the future (long form) (GDSLF) Are you hopeful about the future? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:08:04.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21913 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Awake enjoy indicator GDSEnjoyGettingUpInd Indicator whether the subject enjoys getting up in the morning(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject enjoys getting up in the morning(long form) (GDSLF) Do you enjoy getting up in the morning? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:44:23.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09334 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - people better off indicator GDSPpleBettrOffInd Indicator whether over the past week respondent thought most other people are better off than her or him, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether over the past week respondent thought most other people are better off than her or him, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you think that most people are better off than you are? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21902 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Bothered indicator GDSBotheredByThoughtsInd Indicator whether the subject is bothered by the thoughts that can't get out of his or her head(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject is bothered by the thoughts that can't get out of his or her head(long form) (GDSLF) Are you bothered by thoughts you can't get out of your head? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:28:54.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21914 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Social gathering avoidance indicator GDSAvoidSocialGatheringInd Indicator whether the subject prefers to avoid social gatherings(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject prefers to avoid social gatherings(long form) (GDSLF) Do you prefer to avoid social gatherings? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:45:41.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09335 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - activity drop indicator GDSActivtyDrpInd Indicator whether respondent has dropped many of his or her activities over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent has dropped many of his or her activities over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Have you dropped many of your activities and interests? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21903 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Restless fidgety indicator GDSRestlessFidgetyInd Indicator whether the subject often gets restless and fidgety(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject often gets restless and fidgety(long form) (GDSLF) Do you often get restless and fidgety? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:30:35.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21915 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Decision easy indicator GDSEasytoMakeDecisionsInd Indicator whether the subject feels it is easy to make decisions(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject feels it is easy to make decisions(long form) (GDSLF) Is it easy for you to make decisions? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:46:58.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09336 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - empty life indicator GDSEmptyLfeInd Indicator whether respondent has felt his or her life is empty over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent has felt his or her life is empty over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you feel that your life is empty? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21904 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Future worry indicator GDSWorryAboutFutureInd Indicator whether the subject is frequently worried about the future (long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject is frequently worried about the future (long form) (GDSLF) Do you frequently worry about the future? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:32:23.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21916 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Clear mind indicator GDSClearMindInd Indicator whether the subject 'mind is as clear as it had used to be(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject 'mind is as clear as it had used to be(long form) (GDSLF) Is your mind as clear as it used to be? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:48:16.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09337 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - bored indicator GDSBoreInd Indicator whether respondent has often gotten bored over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent has often gotten bored over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you often get bored? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21905 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Downhearted blue indicator GDSDownheartedBueInd Indicator whether the subject often feels downhearted and blue (long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject often feels downhearted and blue (long form) (GDSLF) Do you often feel downhearted and blue? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:34:07.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21918 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Total score GDSLFTotalScore Scored count of all depressive answers, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale Long Form Scored count of all depressive answers, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale Long Form Total Score (long form) Numeric Values

"Score 1 point for each depressive answer. Three cutoffs for scores: 0-9 indicates normal; 10-19 indicates mild depressive; 20-30 indicates severe depressive. "

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:49:15.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Free-Form Entry

0 30
C09338 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - good spirit indicator GDSGoodSprtInd Indicator whether respondent was in good spirits most of the time over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent was in good spirits most of the time over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Are you in good spirits most of the time? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21906 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Past worry indicator GDSWorryAboutPastInd Indicator whether the subject is worried about the past a lot (long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject is worried about the past a lot (long form) (GDSLF) Do you worry a lot about the past? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:35:54.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21919 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Depression scale GDSLFDepressionScale Scale of depression based on scored count of all depressive answers, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale Long Form Scale of depression based on scored count of all depressive answers, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale Long Form Depression Scale Mild depressive;Normal;Severe depressive 10-19 Mild depressive;0-9 Normal;20-30 Severe depressive Alphanumeric

"Score 1 point for each depressive answer. Three cutoffs for scores: 0-9 indicates normal; 10-19 indicates mild depressive; 20-30 indicates severe depressive. "

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:51:03.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09328 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - life satisfaction indicator GDSLfeSatisfctnInd Indicator whether respondent is basically satisfied with his or her life over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent is basically satisfied with his or her life over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Are you basically satisfied with your life? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09339 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - afraid something bad indicator GDSAfrdSmthngBadInd Indicator whether respondent was afraid over the past week that something bad was going to happen to him or her, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent was afraid over the past week that something bad was going to happen to him or her, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21907 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Exciting life indicator GDSExcitingLifeInd Indicator whether the subject finds life very exciting(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject finds life very exciting(long form) (GDSLF) Do you find life very exciting? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:37:30.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09329 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - memory problem indicator GDSMemoProbInd Indicator whether respondent feels she or he had, over the past week, more problems with memory than most, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent feels she or he had, over the past week, more problems with memory than most, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you feel that you have more problems with memory than most? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09340 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - feel happy most time indicator GDSFeelHppyMostTimeInd Indicator whether respondent felt happy most of the time over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent felt happy most of the time over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you feel happy most of the time? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21908 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Project new start difficulty indicator GDSHardGetStartedonNewProjInd Indicator whether the subject feels it is hard to get started on new projects(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject feels it is hard to get started on new projects(long form) (GDSLF) Is it hard for you to get started on new projects? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:38:52.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09330 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - wonderful alive indicator GDSWonderflAliveInd Indicator whether respondent thought over the past week that it is wonderful to be alive now, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent thought over the past week that it is wonderful to be alive now, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09341 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - feel helpless indicator GDSFeelHelplssInd Indicator whether respondent often felt helpless over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent often felt helpless over the past week, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you often feel helpless? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21909 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Little thing upset indicator GDSUpsetOverLittleThingsInd Indicator whether the subject frequently gets upset over little things(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject frequently gets upset over little things(long form) (GDSLF) Do you frequently get upset over little things? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:40:12.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09331 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - worthless feeling indicator GDSWorthlssFeelngInd Indicator whether over the past week respondent felt worthless the way she or he is now, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether over the past week respondent felt worthless the way she or he is now, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09342 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) - prefer home indicator GDSPrefHomeInd Indicator whether respondent preferred to stay at home over the past week rather than going out and doing things, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF) Indicator whether respondent preferred to stay at home over the past week rather than going out and doing things, as part of the Geriatric Depression Scale (short form) (GDSSF Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing things? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21911 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Long Form - Crying indicator GDSCryingInd Indicator whether the subject frequently feels like crying(long form) (GDSLF) Indicator whether the subject frequently feels like crying(long form) (GDSLF) Do you frequently feel like crying? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose the best answer that best describes how you felt over the past week.

Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clin Gerontol 1986:165-173. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2016-06-06 13:41:32.0 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Cognitive Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected