CDE Detailed Report

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Subdomain Name: Imaging Diagnostics
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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C58697 Cardiac magnetic resonance left ventricular end diastolic volume integer CMRLftVentEndDistlcVolIntg Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV) in milliliters Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV) in milliliters CMR left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV): Numeric Values

CMR left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV): Record the value as an integer with no decimal places in milliliters (mL); Should be able to state whether including or excluding papillary muscles

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 15:24:27.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58708 Cardiac magnetic resonance native T1 relaxation time duration CMRNatTOneRelaxTimeDur Duration in milliseconds required for native T1 relaxation as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging Duration in milliseconds required for native T1 relaxation as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging CMR native T1 relaxation time: Numeric Values

CMR native T1 relaxation time: record the value as an integer with no decimal places in milliseconds (ms)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:55:21.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58698 Cardiac magnetic resonance left ventricular end systolic volume integer CMRLftVentEndSystlcVolIntg Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV) in milliliters Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV) in milliliters CMR left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV): Numeric Values

CMR left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV): Record the value as an integer with no decimal places in millimeters (mL)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 15:29:13.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58699 Cardiac magnetic resonance left ventricular stroke volume integer CMRLftVentStrokeVolIntg Integer for the value in milliliters of the stroke volume of the left ventricle (LVSV) as determined through cardiac magnetic resonance Integer for the value in milliliters of the stroke volume of the left ventricle (LVSV) as determined through cardiac magnetic resonance CMR left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV): Numeric Values

CMR left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV): Record the value as an integer with no decimal places in millimeters (mL); Calculated variable (LVEDV-LVESV)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:08:40.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58700 Cardiac magnetic resonance heart rate integer CMRHeartRateIntg Integer for the value in beats per minute of the patient's heart rate as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging Integer for the value in beats per minute of the patient's heart rate as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging CMR heart rate: Numeric Values

CMR heart rate: record the value as an integer with no decimal places as beats per minute (bpm)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:32:20.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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beats per minute
C58701 Cardiac magnetic resonance cardiac output integer CMRCardiacOutPutIntg Value in liters per minute of the patient's cardiac output (CO) as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging Value in liters per minute of the patient's cardiac output (CO) as determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging CMR cardiac output (CO): Numeric Values

CMR cardiac output (CO): record the value as an integer with two decimal places as liters/minute (L/min); Calculated variable (SV * HR)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:34:08.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58702 Cardiac magnetic resonance cardiac index value CMRCardiacIndexVal Value of the patient's cardiac index (CI), defined as liters per minute of cardiac output per square meter of body surface area Value of the patient's cardiac index (CI), defined as liters per minute of cardiac output per square meter of body surface area CMR cardiac index (CI): Numeric Values

CMR cardiac index (CI): record the value as integer with one decimal place as liters/minute/m2 (L/min/m2); Calculated variable (CO/BSA)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:35:59.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58703 Cardiac magnetic resonance left ventricular mass volume ratio value CMRLftVentMassVolRtoVal Value in grams per milliliter of the mass-to-volume ratio of the patient's left ventricle mass and end diastolic volume Value in grams per milliliter of the mass-to-volume ratio of the patient's left ventricle mass and end diastolic volume CMR left ventricular mass to volume ratio (LVMVR): Numeric Values

CMR left ventricular mass to volume ratio (LVMVR): record the value as an integer with one decimal place (g/mL); Calculated variable (LVM/LVEDV)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:47:02.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58704 Cardiac magnetic resonance right ventricular end diastolic volume integer CMRRtVentEndDstlcVolIntg Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging right ventricular end diastolic volume (RVEDV) in milliliters Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging right ventricular end diastolic volume (RVEDV) in milliliters CMR right ventricular end diastolic volume (RVEDV): Numeric Values

CMR right ventricular end diastolic volume (RVEDV); Record the value as an integer with no decimal places in milliliters (mL); Calculated variable (RVEDV-RVESV)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:48:50.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58705 Cardiac magnetic resonance right ventricular end systolic volume integer CMRRtVentEndSystlcVolIntg Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging right ventricular end systolic volume (RVESV) in milliliters Integer for the value of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging right ventricular end systolic volume (RVESV) in milliliters CMR right ventricular end systolic volume (RVESV): Numeric Values

CMR right ventricular end systolic volume (RVESV): record the value as an integer with no decimal places in milliliters (mL)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:50:39.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58695 Circumstance Cardiac Magnetic Resonance performed reason CircumstanceCMRPerfRsn Reason for which the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was performed Reason for which the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was performed Circumstances under which CMR was performed: Normal screening;Provoked event;Unknown Normal screening;Provoked event;Unknown Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 14:51:25.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58706 Cardiac magnetic resonance right ventricular stroke volume integer CMRRtVentStrokeVolIntg Integer for the value in milliliters of the stroke volume of the right ventricle (RVSV) as determined through cardiac magnetic resonance Integer for the value in milliliters of the stroke volume of the right ventricle (RVSV) as determined through cardiac magnetic resonance CMR right ventricular stroke volume (RVSV): Numeric Values

CMR right ventricular stroke volume (RVSV): record the value as an integer with no decimal places in milliliters (mL)

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:52:04.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58696 Cardiac magnetic resonance left ventricular mass index integer CMRLftVentMassIndexIntg Integer representing the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging left ventricular mass index Integer representing the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging left ventricular mass index CMR left ventricular mass index (LVMI): Numeric Values

CMR left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV): Record the value as an integer with no decimal places in millimeters (mL); Should be able to state whether including or excluding papillary muscles

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 15:08:57.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C58707 Cardiac magnetic resonance right ventricular ejection fraction integer CMRRtVentEjctFractIntg Integer representing the patient's right ventricular ejection fraction using the right ventricular stroke volume as a percentage of the right ventricular end diastolic volume Integer representing the patient's right ventricular ejection fraction using the right ventricular stroke volume as a percentage of the right ventricular end diastolic volum CMR right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF): Numeric Values

CMR right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF): record the value as an integer with no decimal places as a percent; Calculated variable (RVSV/RVEDV as percentage

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2020-04-22 16:53:24.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C10602 Cardiac MRI ejection fraction measurement CardMRIEjectFracMeasr Measurement of the ejection fraction percentage obtained by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Measurement of the ejection fraction percentage obtained by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Ejection fraction Numeric Values

Record the value as a percent (%) The percent should be calculated as SV/LVEDV.

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:48:52.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C10603 Cardiac MRI left ventricle mass measurement CardMRILftVentMassMeasr Measurement in grams of the mass of the left ventricle as obtained by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Measurement in grams of the mass of the left ventricle as obtained by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Left ventricle mass Numeric Values

Record the value as an integer to two decimal places in grams (gm) and indicate whether including or excluding papillary muscles.

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:49:01.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C10604 Cardiac MRI relative wall thickness measurement CardMRIRelWallThicknessMeasr The relative wall thickness measured by cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging The relative wall thickness measured by cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imagin Relative wall thickness Numeric Values

Record the value as an integer to two decimal places in centimeters (cm)

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.2 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

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C10605 Cardiac MRI hyper - enhancement by LGE indicator CardiacMRIHyperEnhanceLGEInd Whether myocardial hyper-enhancement was found by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) by the cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Whether myocardial hyper-enhancement was found by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) by the cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imagin Was myocardial hyper-enhancement by LGE present? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose one

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.2 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C17506 Cardiac MRI result comment text CardiacMRIResltCommentsTxt Free-text field describing the results comments on the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results Free-text field describing the results comments on the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results Provide any comments on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging results Alphanumeric No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:49:18.0 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Imaging Diagnostics Assessments and Examinations 255

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