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Vignos Lower Extremity Scale
Vignos Lower Extremity Scale
Availability |
The instrument is freely available here: Vignos?Rating?Scale |
Classification |
Supplemental – Highly Recommended: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
Supplemental: Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (CMD)
Short Description of Instrument |
The Vignos Lower Extremity Scale was developed to access lower extremity function and also to help document progression.
Additional equipment is needed to perform this test.
Scoring |
Functional Grades: Hips and Legs
Walks and climbs stairs without assistance
Walks and climbs stairs with the aid of a railing
Walks and climbs stairs slowly (elapsed time of more than 12 seconds for 4 std. stairs) with aid of a railing
Walks unassisted and rises from a chair, but cannot climb stairs
Walks unassisted but cannot rise from a chair or climb stairs
Walks only with assistance or walks independently with long-leg braces
Walks in long-leg braces but requires assistance for balance
Stands in long leg braces, but is unable to walk even with assistance
Is in a wheelchair
Is confined to bed
References |
Brooke MG, Griggs RC, Mendell JR, Fenichel, GM, Shumate JB and Peggegrino RJ (1981). Clinical trial in duchenne dystrophy. I The Design of the Protocol. Muscle and Nerve: 4:186-197.
Vignos PJ, Spencer CE, Archibald KC. (1963) Management of progressive muscular dystrophy in childhood.JAMA 184:389-96.
Document last updated July 2018