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Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)
Please visit this website for more information about the instrument: Social Communication Questionnaire.

Supplemental – Highly Recommended: Cerebral Palsy (CP).
Supplemental: Epilepsy and Neuromuscular Disease (NMD).

Short Description of Instrument

Purpose: Screening tool for autism spectrum disorder to facilitate in early intervention.
Description: The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) (formally known as the Autism Screen Questionnaire (ASQ)) assesses the communication skills andsocial functioning in children suspected to have autism or autism spectrum disorder. It can assist in the decision of the child being referred to a diagnostic evaluation if autism is suspected. It is administered to the child by a parent or caregiver. The SCQ is designed for children above the age of 4, with a mental age of at least 2 years.
Comment: Two versions of the SCQ are available: one version focuses on the child's entire developmental history and one that focuses on the child's behavior over the last three months. It is recommended that the diagnostic evaluation follow-up uses the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R), as the ADI-R and the SCQ have a high score agreement. Theoriginal ASQ was developed with 40-items and was found to have a good discriminativevalidity with respect to the separation of PDD and non-PDD diagnoses on all IQ levels.
Primary Dependent Measures: Total scores in relation to cut-off points.
Time Estimates: 10 minutes.
Vendor: Western Psychological Services.

Rutter M, Bailey A, Lord C. Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) [Internet]. Western Psychological Services. 2003 [cited 23 June 2016]. Available from: .
Berument SK, Rutter M, Lord C, Pickles A, Bailey A. Autism screening questionnaire: diagnostic validity. Bri J Psych. 1999;175:444-451.


Document last updated July 2019