CDE Detailed Report

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Subdomain Name: Intellectual Functioning
CRF: welcome

Displaying 151 - 162 of 162
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C52874 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Story recall stories 1-4 total count WJ3StoryRecallStories14TotalCt Total number count of story recall stories 1-4 test responses, sum of WJ3StoryRecallStories12PtVal and WJ3StoryRecallStories34PtVal as part of Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Total number count of story recall stories 1-4 test responses, sum of WJ3StoryRecallStories12PtVal and WJ3StoryRecallStories34PtVal as part of Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen 3A + 3B = Stories 1-4 Numeric Values

For hand scoring only: Use the column below corresponding to the stories administered.
If more than four stories were administerd, use the column corresponding to the last four stories administered following continuation instructions.

Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 14:49:31.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 100
C52735 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Calculation score WJ3CalculationScore Score from the calculation test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Score from the calculation test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen Score 1, 0 0;1 0;1 Numeric Values

Basal: 6 lowest correct
Ceiling: 6 highest incorrect

Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 14:49:31.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52756 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Writing fluency end time WJ3WritingFluencyEndTime End time of writing fluency as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement End time of writing fluency as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen End Time Date or Date & Time Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 16:08:45.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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C54220 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Story recall delayed story seven points count WJ3StoryRcallDelaydStory7PtsCt Count of the number of correct test subject responses from story recall - delayed story 7 test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Count of the number of correct test subject responses from story recall - delayed story 7 test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen Number of Points (0-6) Numeric Values Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 14:49:31.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 6
C52794 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Story recall-delayed stories 9-10 point value WJ3StryRcalStoresDelyd910PtVal Value of the points scored for story recall-delayed stories 9-10 as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Value of the points scored for story recall-delayed stories 9-10 as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen 12E: Stories 9-10 Numeric Values

Enter Number of Points for each group of stories. Enter "X" if not administered.

Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-30 12:35:44.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 36
C52671 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Testing session results unfair estimate reason WJ3TestSessionUnfairSampRsn Any reason that results of test session may not be a fair estimate of the subject's abilities as referred to in WJ3TestSessionFair SampRsnInd as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Any reason that results of test session may not be a fair estimate of the subject's abilities as referred to in WJ3TestSessionFair SampRsnInd as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen These results might not be a fair estimate because… Alphanumeric Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 12:38:16.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points 255

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C54160 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Story recall stories 1-2 total point count WJ3StoryRecallStory12TotPntsCt Count of the number of correct test subject responses from story recall stories 1 and 2 as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Count of the number of correct test subject responses from story recall stories 1 and 2 as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen Stories 1-2 A: Number of Points (0-8) Numeric Values Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 14:49:31.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 8
C52773 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Writing samples items 13-24 points value WJ3WritingSamplItems1324PtVal Value of the points scored in writing samples items 13-24 as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Value of the points scored in writing samples items 13-24 as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen 11D: Items 13-24 Numeric Values

Points: (0-24); Letter: D

Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-30 13:09:49.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 24
C50680 Examiner name ExaminerName The name of the person performing the exam The name of the person performing the exa Examiner's Name Alphanumeric Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-12-12 00:00:00.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points 255

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C52809 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Reading vocabulary antonyms correct count WJ3ReadngVocabAntonymCorrectCt Count of the number of correct test subject responses from the reading vocabulary antonyms test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Count of the number of correct test subject responses from the reading vocabulary antonyms test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen 17B Number correct (0-26) Numeric Values Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 14:49:31.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 26
C52714 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Reading fluency total points value WJ3ReadingFluencyTotPtsVal Total points value calculated from subtracting WJ3ReadingFluencyIncorrectCt from WJ3ReadingFluencyCorrect Count as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Total points value calculated from subtracting WJ3ReadingFluencyIncorrectCt from WJ3ReadingFluencyCorrect Count as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen Total Points (0-98) Numeric Values Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 16:14:11.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 98
C54171 Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) - Story recall story 10 points count WJ3StoryRecallStory10PointsCt Count of the number of correct test subject responses from story recall story 10 test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievement Count of the number of correct test subject responses from story recall story 10 test as part of the Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III) tests of achievemen Number of Points (0-21) Numeric Values Woodcock RW, McGrew KS, Mather N. Woodcock Johnson III. Riverside Publishing, 2001. Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2017-01-27 14:49:31.0 Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities Intellectual Functioning Outcomes and End Points

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0 21