CDE Detailed Report
Subdomain Name: Therapies
CRF: Treatments and Interventions
Displaying 1 - 43 of 43
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C55291 | Cognitive rest after concussion start date | CognRestAfterConcussStrtDate | Date when cognitive rest was started following a concussion | Date when cognitive rest was started following a concussion | If yes, date initiated | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55892 | Medication rx start date | MedicationRxStrtDate | The start date of the patient's use of Rx medication | The start date of the patient's use of Rx medicatio | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:57:18.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55805 | Academic accommodations start time | AcademicAccmmdtnsStrtTime | Start time/date that the patient began using academic accommodations | Start time/date that the patient began using academic accommodation | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:26:22.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55881 | Vestibular oculomotor therapy text | VstblrOclmtrThrpyTxt | The free-text field to specify vestibular/oculomotor therapies used by the patient | The free-text field to specify vestibular/oculomotor therapies used by the patien | Yes, specify type of treatment | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:15:50.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55292 | Concurrent injury treatment after concussion indicator | ConcurrInjTxAfterConcussInd | The indicator related to whether there was concurrent injury treatment following a concussion | The indicator related to whether there was concurrent injury treatment following a concussion | Concurrent injury treatment | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55894 | Medication over the counter indicator | MedicationOTCInd | Indicator relating to whether or not the patient used OTC medication | Indicator relating to whether or not the patient used OTC medicatio | Medications: OTC | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:58:29.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55806 | Academic accommodations text | AcademicAccmmdtnsTxt | Type of academic accommodations used by the patient | Type of academic accommodations used by the patien | Type of Accommodation (s): | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:29:31.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55882 | Vestibular oculomotor therapies start date | VstblrOclmtrThrpyStrtDate | The start date of the patient's vestibular/oculomotor therapies | The start date of the patient's vestibular/oculomotor therapie | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:34:27.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55293 | Concurrent injury treatment after concussion specify text | ConcurrInjTreatAftConcussSpTxt | Free-text field to specify the type of concurrent injury treatment following a concussion | Free-text field to specify the type of concurrent injury treatment following a concussion | Yes, specify type of treatment | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 500 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55895 | Medication otc start date | MedicationOTCStrtDate | The start date of the patient's use of OTC medication | The start date of the patient's use of OTC medicatio | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:59:45.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55807 | Cognitive therapy indicator | CognitiveTherapyInd | Indicator related to whether the patient used cognitive therapy or not | Indicator related to whether the patient used cognitive therapy or no | Cognitive therapy | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:30:46.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55283 | Concussion education training performed indicator | ConcussEduTrainPerformdInd | Indicator related to whether concussion education or training was performed | Indicator related to whether concussion education or training was performed | Was concussion educational training/awareness done? | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55883 | Vision therapy neuro optometry indicator | VsnThrpyNroOptmtryInd | Indicator related to whether or not the patient used vision therapy/neuro-optometry | Indicator related to whether or not the patient used vision therapy/neuro-optometr | Vision Therapy/Neuro-Optometry | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:36:06.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55294 | Concurrent injury treatment after concussion duration | ConcurrInjTreatAftConcussDur | The element related to the duration of concurrent injury treatment following a concussion | The element related to the duration of concurrent injury treatment following a concussion | Length of time (minutes) | Numeric Values |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55808 | Cognitive therapy session number | CognitiveTherapySessionNum | Number of sessions of cognitive therapy that the patient attended | Number of sessions of cognitive therapy that the patient attende | Yes, indicate number of sessions | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:33:28.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55284 | Concussion education training text | ConcussEduTrainTxt | Free-text field to specify the type of concussion education or training that was performed | Free-text field to specify the type of concussion education or training that was performed | Yes, specify type of education | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55884 | Vision therapy neuro optometry start date | VsnThrpyNroOptmtryStrtDate | The start date of the patient's Vision therapy/neuro-optometry | The start date of the patient's Vision therapy/neuro-optometr | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:38:11.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55295 | Concurrent injury treatment after concussion start date | ConcrrInjTreatAftCncssStrtDate | The date that concurrent injury treatment following a concussion began | The date that concurrent injury treatment following a concussion began | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55816 | Cognitive therapy start date | CognitiveTherapyStrtDate | Start date of patient's cognitive therapy | Start date of patient's cognitive therap | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:38:44.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55285 | Concussion education training start date | ConcussEduTrainStrtDate | Date when concussion education or training was started | Date when concussion education or training was started | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55885 | Pharmacological therapy indicator | PharmacologicalTherapyInd | Indicator related to whether the patient used pharmacological therapies or not | Indicator related to whether the patient used pharmacological therapies or no | Pharmacological Therapies | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:42:19.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55799 | Work accommodation indicator | WorkAccmmdtnInd | Indicator related to whether patient received some type of work accommodation | Indicator related to whether patient received some type of work accommodatio | Work Accommodation | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 10:55:41.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55819 | Behavioral therapy management indicator | BhvrlThrpyMngmntInd | Indicator related to whether of not the patient used behavioral therapy/management | Indicator related to whether of not the patient used behavioral therapy/managemen | Behavioral Therapy/Management | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:56:13.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55286 | Physical rest indicator | PhysicalRestInd | The element related to whether there was physical rest | The element related to whether there was physical rest | Was there physical rest? | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55886 | Pharmacological therapy text | PharmacologicalTherapyTxt | Type of pharmacological therapy used by the patient | Type of pharmacological therapy used by the patien | Yes, specify type of treatment | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:44:33.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55800 | Work accommodation duration | WorkAccmmdatnDur | Duration of time in days that work accommodation was received by the patient | Duration of time in days that work accommodation was received by the patien | Yes, indicate duration | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:03:41.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55820 | Behavioral therapy management start date | BhvrlThrpyMngmntStrtDate | Start date of patient's behavioral therapy/management | Start date of patient's behavioral therapy/managemen | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:58:19.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55287 | Physical rest after concussion duration | PhysicalRestAfterConcussDur | Duration of physical rest following a concussion | Duration of physical rest following a concussion | Yes, indicate duration | Numeric Values |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55887 | Pharmacological therapy start date | PhrmclgclThrpyStrtDate | The start date of the patient's use of pharmacological therapies | The start date of the patient's use of pharmacological therapie | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:48:10.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55801 | Work accommodation text | WorkAccmmdtnTxt | Type of work accommodation that was used by the patient | Type of work accommodation that was used by the patien | If yes, date initiated: | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:06:56.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55847 | Emotional psychological therapies psychotherapy indicator | EmoPsychThrpsPsychthrpyInd | Indicator related to whether emotional/psychological therapies/psychotherapy was used by the patient | Indicator related to whether emotional/psychological therapies/psychotherapy was used by the patien | Emotional/Psychological therapies/Psychotherapy | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 12:53:32.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55288 | Physical rest after concussion start date | PhysclRestAfterConcussStrtDate | Date when physical rest was started following a concussion | Date when physical rest was started following a concussion | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55888 | Exertion therapy indicator | ExertionTherapyInd | Indicator relating to whether or not the patient used exertion therapy | Indicator relating to whether or not the patient used exertion therap | Exertion Therapy | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:50:57.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55802 | Work accommodation start date | WorkAccmmdtnStrtDate | The start date of patient's work accommodation | The start date of patient's work accommodatio | Type of Accommodation: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:13:19.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55853 | Emotional psychological therapies psychotherapy session number | EmoPsychThrpyPsychthrpySesnNum | Describes the number of sessions of emotional/psychological therapies/psychotherapy the patient attended | Describes the number of sessions of emotional/psychological therapies/psychotherapy the patient attende | Yes, indicate number of sessions | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 12:57:18.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55289 | Cognitive rest after concussion indicator | CognitiveRestAfterConcussInd | The element related to whether there was cognitive rest following a concussion | The element related to whether there was cognitive rest following a concussion | Cognitive Rest | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55889 | Exertion therapy start date | ExertionTherapyStrtDate | The start date of the patient's exertion therapy | The start date of the patient's exertion therap | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:52:55.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55803 | Academic accommodations indicator | AcademicAccmmdtnsInd | Indicator related to the academic accommodation(s) used by the patient | Indicator related to the academic accommodation(s) used by the patien | Academic Accommodation(s) | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:17:31.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55857 | Emotional psychological therapies psychotherapy start date | EmoPsyThrpyPsychthrpyStrtDate | Start date of patient's emotional/psychological therapies/psychotherapy | Start date of patient's emotional/psychological therapies/psychotherap | If yes, date initiated: | Date or Date & Time |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:00:09.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55290 | Cognitive rest after concussion duration | CognitiveRestAfterConcussDur | Duration of cognitive rest following a concussion | Duration of cognitive rest following a concussion | Yes, indicate duration | Numeric Values |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C55891 | Medication prescription indicator | MedicationRxInd | Indicator related to whether or not the patient used prescription medication or not | Indicator related to whether or not the patient used prescription medication or no | Medications: Rx | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:55:23.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C55804 | Academic accommodations duration | AcademicAccmmdtnsDur | Duration of the academic accommodation(s) used by the patient | Duration of the academic accommodation(s) used by the patien | Yes, indicate duration (days) | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 11:19:59.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C55878 | Vestibular oculomotor therapy indicator | VstblrOclmtrThrpyInd | Indicator related to whether vestibular/oculomotor therapies were used by the patient | Indicator related to whether vestibular/oculomotor therapies were used by the patien | Vestibular/Oculomotor Therapies | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric |
Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module. |
Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-06-01 13:12:58.0 | Treatments and Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |