CDE Detailed Report
Subdomain Name: [php]
CRF: Concomitant Diseases
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C54113 | Gingival disease tooth decay history current diagnosis indicator | GngvlDisToothDcyHistCurDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of gingival disease or tooth decay | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of gingival disease or tooth decay | Gingival disease, tooth decay | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54103 | Thrombophilic disease history current diagnosis type | ThromboDisHistCurrDiagTyp | The element related to a history or current diagnosis type of thrombophilic disease | The element related to a history or current diagnosis type of trombophilic disease | History of or current thrombophilic disease: | Other;Protein c/s deficiency;Factor V Leiden;Antiphospholipid syndrome;Antithrombin III deficiency | Other;Protein c/s deficiency;Factor V Leiden;Antiphospholipid syndrome;Antithrombin III deficiency | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54114 | Intracranial atherosclerotic disease history current diagnosis indicator | IntrcrnlAtherDisHistCurDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of intracranial atherosclerotic disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of intracranial atherosclerotic disease | Intracranial atherosclerotic disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54104 | Cranial surgery prior indicator | CranialSurgPriorInd | Indicator of whether the participant/subject has had prior cranial surgery | Indicator of whether the participant/subject has had prior cranial surgery | Previous cranial surgery: | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54115 | Arteriovenous malformation history current diagnosis indicator | ArteriovMalfHistCurDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of arteriovenous malformation | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of arteriovenous malformation | Arteriovenous malformation | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54105 | Chronic renal disease history current diagnosis indicator | ChronRenalDisHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of chronic renal disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of chronic renal disease | Chronic renal disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54116 | Dural arteriovenous fistula history current diagnosis indicator | DurArteriovFistlHistCurDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of dural arteriovenous fistula | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of dural arteriovenous fistula | Dural arteriovenous fistula | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54106 | Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease history current diagnosis indicator | ADPKDHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease | Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54117 | Central nervous system tumor history current diagnosis indicator | CNSTumorHistCurDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of a CNS tumor | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of a CNS tumor | CNS tumor | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54107 | Renal artery stenosis history current diagnosis indicator | RenalArtStenHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of renal artery stenosis | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of renal artery stenosis | Renal artery stenosis | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54118 | Stroke transient ischemic attack history current positive imaging diagnosis indicator | StrokeTIAHistCurrPosImgDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current positive imaging diagnosis of a stroke/transient ischemic attack (TIA) | The indicator related to a history or current positive imaging diagnosis of a stroke/transient ischemic attack (TIA) | Positive imaging diagnosis of stroke/transient ischemic attack (TIA) | No;Yes;Unknown | No;Yes;Unknown | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54108 | Peripheral artery disease history current diagnosis indicator | PeriphArtDisHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of peripheral artery disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of peripheral artery disease | Peripheral artery disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54119 | Sepsis history current diagnosis indicator | SepsisHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of sepsis | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of sepsis | Sepsis | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54109 | Carotid artery disease history current diagnosis indicator | CarotidArtDisHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of carotid artery disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of carotid artery disease | Carotid artery disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54120 | Transplant disease history current diagnosis indicator | TransplDisHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of transplant disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of transplant disease | Transplant disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C06358 | Diabetes mellitus type | DiabetesMellitusTyp | Type of diabetes mellitus | Type of diabetes mellitus | Type of diabetes mellitus: | Type 1;Type 2 | Type 1;Type 2 | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 4.00 | 2024-02-29 15:41:20.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54110 | Valve disease history current diagnosis indicator | ValveDisHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of valve disease | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of valve disease | Valve disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54121 | Seizure activity history current diagnosis indicator | SeizActivityHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of seizure activity | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of seizure activity | Seizure activity | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C21869 | Medical history coronary artery disease indicator | MedHistCorArtDisInd | The indicator related to personal medical history of coronary artery disease | The indicator related to personal medical history of coronary artery diseas | Coronary artery disease | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2016-06-06 10:48:12.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54111 | Aortic coarctation history current diagnosis indicator | AortCoarcHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of aortic coarctation | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of aortic coarctation | Aortic coarctation | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54122 | Hyperlipidemia history current diagnosis indicator | HyperlipidmHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of hyperlipidemia | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of hyperlipidemia | Hyperlipidemia | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54101 | Fibromuscular disease history current diagnosis type | FibromuscDisHistCurrDiagTyp | The element related to a history or current diagnosis type of fibromuscular disease | The element related to a history or current diagnosis type of fibromuscular disease | History of or current diagnosis of fibromuscular disease: | Marfan Syndrome;Ehlers Danlos Syndrome;Other | Marfan Syndrome;Ehlers Danlos Syndrome;Other | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54112 | Aortic aneurysm history current diagnosis indicator | AortAneurHistCurrDiagInd | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of aortic aneurysm | The indicator related to a history or current diagnosis of aortic aneurysm | Aortic aneurysm | No;Yes | No;Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54153 | Central nervous system tumor diagnosis type | CNSTumorDiagTyp | The element related to the type of CNS tumor diagnosis | The element related to the type of CNS tumor diagnosis | If yes: | Malignant;Other non-malignant;Meningioma | Malignant;Other non-malignant;Meningioma | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Exploratory | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C54102 | Coagulopathy history current diagnosis type | CoagulHistCurrDiagTyp | The element related to a history or current diagnosis type of coagulopathy | The element related to a history or current diagnosis type of coagulopathy | History of or current coagulopathy diagnosis: | von Willebrand Disease;Hemophilia;Other | von Willebrand Disease;Hemophilia;Other | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2017-02-13 16:54:56.0 | Concomitant Diseases | [php] | [php_1] |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |