CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Traumatic Brain Injury
Subdomain Name: Family and Environment
CRF: Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 79
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C52676 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative death age value FHRDCRelativeDeathAgeVal Value of the age at death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Value of the age at death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at death (best estimate) Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52846 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history drug use disorder occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxDrgUsDsrOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by a drug use disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by a drug use disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Drug Use Disorder Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52689 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history chronic schizophrenia occurrence order number FHRDCPsyIllHxChrSchOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by chronic schizophrenia in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by chronic schizophrenia in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Chronic Schizophrenia Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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C52857 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history recurrent unipolar onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxRecrUniOnstAgeVal Age of first onset of recurrent unipolar disorder in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age of first onset of recurrent unipolar disorder in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Recurrent Unipolar Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52632 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relationship evaluation type FHRDCRelatnshpEvalTyp Type of relationships to the subject/participant being evaluated, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Type of relationships to the subject/participant being evaluated, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number and type of relatives evaluated (to help keep track of data sheets) MO;Fa;sibs;chil;mate(s);Others MO;Fa;sibs;chil;mate(s);Others Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C52836 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history manic disorder occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxMcDsrdrOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by manic disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by manic disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Manic Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52658 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative multiple birth member code FHRDCRelatvMultplBrthMembrCode Code denoting whether and what type of multiple birth (if any) the specified relative of the participant/subject was a member of, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Code denoting whether and what type of multiple birth (if any) the specified relative of the participant/subject was a member of, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Member of Multiple Birth 1;2;3;4 No;Yes, Unknown Zygo;Yes, Dyzo;Yes, Mono Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52677 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative death natural indicator FHRDCRelativeDeathNaturalInd Indicator of whether the death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described was natural, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Indicator of whether the death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described was natural, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Natural death No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52847 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history drug use disorder onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxDgUsDsrdOnstAgeVal Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced a drug use disorder, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced a drug use disorder, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Drug Use Disorder Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52690 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history chronic schizophrenia onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxChrSchOnstAgeVal Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced chronic schizophrenia, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced chronic schizophrenia, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Chronic Schizophrenia Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52858 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history no known mental disorder occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxNKMDOcOrNum Number of the position for no known mental disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position for no known mental disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) No Known Mental Disorder Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52633 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relationship enumeration type FHRDCRelatnshpEnumTyp Type of relationship to the subject/participant being enumerated, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Type of relationship to the subject/participant being enumerated, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number and type of relatives evaluated (to help keep track of data sheets) sibs;chil;mate(s);Others sibs;chil;mate(s);Others Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52837 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history manic disorder onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxMcDsrdrOnstAgeVal Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced a manic disorder, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced a manic disorder, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Manic Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52660 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Gender type code FHRDCGenderTypeCode Code denoting the sex of the selected relative of the participant/subject, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Code denoting the sex of the selected relative of the participant/subject, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Sex 1;2 Male;Female Numeric Values

Collect when FHRDCRelatvDescripRelatCode = 3, 4, or 5

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52678 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative death accidental indicator FHRDCRelativeDeathAccidntlInd Indicator of whether the death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described was accidental, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Indicator of whether the death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described was accidental, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Accidental death No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52848 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history antisocial personality occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxAntslPsnOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by antisocial personality disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by antisocial personality disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Antisocial Personality Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52798 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history manic schizo-affective occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxMcSchzAfOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by manic schizo-affective disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by manic schizo-affective disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Schizo-affective, manic Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52859 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Diagnosis information complete code FHRDCDiagnosInfoCompleteCode Code for the completenes of information available for psychiatric diagnoses of the relative of the subject/participant who is being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Code for the completenes of information available for psychiatric diagnoses of the relative of the subject/participant who is being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Completeness of information 2;3;4;5;1 Good;Fair;Poor;Essentially no information;Very good Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52634 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relationship type interview count FHRDCRltnshpTypIntvwCt Count of interviewees having the selected type of relationship to the subject/participant, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Count of interviewees having the selected type of relationship to the subject/participant, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number and type of relatives evaluated (to help keep track of data sheets) sibs;chil;mate(s);Others sibs;chil;mate(s);Others Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52661 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Mate shared children code FHRDCMateShardChildrnCode Code denoting whether the selected mate of the subject/participant is co-parent to any of the subject/participant's children, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Code denoting whether the selected mate of the subject/participant is co-parent to any of the subject/participant's children, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) If co-parent how many shared children? 1;2 All;Some Numeric Values

Collect when FHRDCMateRelatnshpGrade = 3

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52838 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history senile organic brain syndrom onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxSenlOBSOnstAgeVal Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced onset of senile organic brain syndrome (Senile OBS), as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced onset of senile organic brain syndrome (Senile OBS), as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Senile OBS Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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50 140 years
C52680 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative death suicide indicator FHRDCRelativeDeathSuicidInd Indicator of whether the death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described was suicide, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Indicator of whether the death of the subject/participant's deceased relative being described was suicide, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Completed suicide No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52849 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history antisocial personality onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxAntslPsnOnstAgeVal Age of first onset of antisocial personality in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age of first onset of antisocial personality in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Antisocial Personality Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 65 years
C52802 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history manic schizo-affective onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxMcSchzAfOnstAgeVal Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced manic schizo-affective disorder, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced manic schizo-affective disorder, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Schizo-affective, Manic Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52860 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Diagnosis most likely text FHRDCDiagnosMostLikelyTxt The free-text field for recording the most likely clinical diagnosis of an unspecified functional psychosis or other psychiatric disorder in the relative of the subject/participant being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The free-text field for the most likely clinical diagnosis of unspecified functional psychosis or other psychiatric disorder in the relative of the subject/participant being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) If Unspecified Functional Psychosis or Other Psychiatric Disorder, not most likely clinical diagnosis Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C52637 Relative name RelativeName Name of the subject/participant's relative of the selected type Name of the subject/participant's relative of the selected type Mother's/Father's/Mate's/Sibling's/Child's Name Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 10:23:15.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C52662 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Shared child birth order number FHRDCSharedChildBirthOrdrNum The number denoting the birth-order position of a child the participant/subject shares with his or her mate, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The number denoting the birth-order position of a child the participant/subject shares with his or her mate, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) If some, note sex and birth order code of shared children Numeric Values

Collect when FHRDCMateShardChildrnCode = 2 (i.e., subject/participant's mate being described is co-parent of some but not all of subject/participant's children).

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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1 100
C52839 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history senile organic brain syndrome occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxSenlOBSOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by senile organic brain syndrom (Senile OBS) in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by Senile OBS in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Senile OBS Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52681 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative suicide attempt indicator FHRDCRelativeSuicidAttmptInd Indicator of whether the subject/participant's relative being described ever attempted suicide, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Indicator of whether the subject/participant's relative being described ever attempted suicide, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Suicide attempt(s) No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52850 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history other disorder occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxOthrDsrdOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by an unspecified disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of the position occupied by an unspecified disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Other Psychiatric Disorder Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C19247 Subject ID SubIDNam Subject identification ID Subject identification ID ID Number of Subject whose relatives are being evaluated Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2014-06-05 13:10:49.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C52805 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history manic schizo-affective type FHRDCRelPsyIlHxMcSchzAfTyp Type of manic schizo-affective disorder experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Type of manic schizo-affective disorder experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Circle one 1;2 Remitting;Chronic Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52878 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative color blindness status FHRDCRelColrBlndnessStatus The status of color blindness in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The status of color blindness in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Color blind 1;2;3 No;Likely;Known Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52640 Relative identification code RelativeIdntificatnCode Code identifying the subject/participant's relative Code identifying the subject/participant's relative Mother's/Father's/Mate's/Sibling's/Child's ID No. Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 10:32:57.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 50

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C52663 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Shared child gender type FHRDCSharedChildGenderTyp The sex of a child the participant/subject shares with his or her mate, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The sex of a child the participant/subject shares with his or her mate, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) If some, note sex and birth order code of shared children Male;Female Male;Female Alphanumeric

Collect when FHRDCMateShardChildrnCode = 2 (i.e., subject/participant's mate being described is co-parent of some but not all of subject/participant's children).

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52840 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history unspecified functional psychosis occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxUnspFnPsOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by an unspecified functional psychosis in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of position occupied by an unspecified functional psychosis in order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Unspecified Functional Psychosis Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52683 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative social incapacity psychiatric reason indicator FHRDCRltvSoclIncpctyPsychRsn Indicator of whether the subject/participant's relative being described ever experienced a period of social incapacity for a psychiatric reason, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Indicator of whether the subject/participant's relative being described ever experienced a period of social incapacity for a psychiatric reason, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Period of social incap. for psych. reason No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52851 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history other disorder onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxOthrDsrdOnstAgeVal Age of first onset of an unspecified psychiatric disorder in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age of first onset of an unspecified psychiatric disorder in the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Other Psychiatric Disorder Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C21117 Subject name SubjectName Name of subject/participant Name of subject/participan Name of Subject whose relatives are being evaluated Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-06-12 15:16:39.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C52830 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history depressed schizo-affective occurrence order number FHRDCRelPsyIlHxDpSchzAfOcOrNum Number of the position occupied by depressed schizo-affective disorder in the order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Number of position occupied by depressed schizo-affective disorder in order of occurrence of psychiatric illnesses experienced by subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Schizo-affective, depressed Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in order of occurrence and indicate age at onset of each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 13
C52881 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative inherited non-mental illness indication code FHRDCRelInhrNoMntlIllnsIndCode The code used to indicate whether the subject/participant's relative being described had an inherited non-mental illness, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The code used to indicate whether the subject/participant's relative being described had an inherited non-mental illness, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Apparently had a non-mental medical illness that is inherited (see list) 1;2 No;Yes Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52644 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Informant participant relationship type FHRDCInfmntPtcpntRelatshpTyp The relationship of the informant to participant/subject, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The relationship of the informant to participant/subject, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC Relationship of Informant to Subject 1;2;3;4;5;6;7 Self;Spouse;Mother;Father;Sibling;Child;Other (consensus) Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-08-30 17:06:52.8 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52665 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Half sibling shared parent identification code FHRDCHalfSibSharedParntIdCode Code from RelativeIdntificatnCode identifying the parent shared by the subject/participant and his or her half sibling, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Code from RelativeIdntificatnCode identifying the parent shared by the subject/participant and his or her half sibling, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) If half sibling, ID No. of linking parent Alphanumeric

Collect when FHRDCSibRelatnshpGrade = 2

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 50

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C52841 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history unspecified functional psychosis onset age value FHRDCPsyIlHxUnspFnPsyOnstAgVal Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced onset of an unspecified functional psychosis, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at which the subject/participant's relative being described first experienced onset of an unspecified functional psychosis, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Age at onset Unspecified Functional Psychosis Numeric Values

Diagnosis: Indicate all that apply by numbering them in the order of occurrence and indicate age of onset at each disorder.

Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

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0 140 years
C52684 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative hospitalization psychiatric reason indicator FHRDCRltvHospitlztnPsychRsn Indicator of whether the subject/participant's relative being described was ever hospitalized for a psychiatric reason, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Indicator of whether the subject/participant's relative being described was ever hospitalized for a psychiatric reason, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Hospitalized for psych. reason No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52852 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history unspecified disorder course type FHRDCRelPsyIlHxUnspDsrdCrsTyp Type of course followed by the unspecified psychiatric disorder experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Type of course followed by the unspecified psychiatric disorder experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Course 1;2 Remitting;Chronic Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52626 Data sheet reference code DataSheetRefCode Reference code for the data sheet being recorded Reference code for the data sheet being recorded Card No. Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:27:54.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 50

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C52831 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative psychiatric illness history depressed schizo-affective type FHRDCRelPsyIlHxDpSchzAfTyp Type of depressed schizo-affective disorder experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Type of depressed schizo-affective disorder experienced by the subject/participant's relative being described, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Circle one 1;2 Remitting;Chronic Numeric Values Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229-1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-31 09:17:24.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C52884 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Relative specific clinical diagnosis text FHRDCRelSpcfcClinDiagnosTxt The free-text field for recording clinical diagnoses of the subject/participant's relative being described in greater specificity than allowed by existing data elements, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) The free-text field for recording clinical diagnoses of the subject/participant's relative being described in greater specificity than allowed by existing data elements, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Clinical Diagnostic Impression (using DSM-III terms if possible) Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points 255

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C52649 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) - Data sheet type FHRDCDataSheetTyp Type of data sheet being completed, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Type of data sheet being completed, as part of the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Data Sheet - Parent;Sibling;Child;Mate Parent;Sibling;Child;Mate (Current or Past) Alphanumeric Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G. The family history method using diagnostic criteria. Reliability and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1977;34(10):1229–1235. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2017-01-27 09:22:30.0 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC) Family and Environment Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected