CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Chiari I Malformation
Subdomain Name: Physical/Neurological Examination
CRF: Brainstem Signs

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C21723 Coordination truncal instability assessment indicator CoordinTruncalInstabilAssmtInd Indicator related to truncal instability or with a wide-based "drunken sailor" gait Indicator related to truncal instability or with a wide-based "drunken sailor" gai Truncal Instability No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 16:20:56.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21724 Nausea vomit assessment status NauseaVomitAssmtStat The status as related to nausea and vomiting The status as related to nausea and vomitin Nausea/Vomiting Morning;None;Night time Morning;None;Night time Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 16:37:14.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C21713 Swallow function problem type SwallowFunctionProbType Type as related to problem with function of swallowing Type as related to problem with function of swallowin Swallowing Function No problem;Frequent choking;Difficult with liquids;Difficult with solids No problem;Frequent choking;Difficult with liquids;Difficult with solids Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-27 14:46:34.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21725 Strabismus assessment indicator StrabismusAssmtInd The indicator related to strabismus which is a condition that interferes with binocular vision because it prevents a person from directing both eyes simultaneously towards the same fixation point The indicator related to strabismus which is a condition that interferes with binocular vision because it prevents a person from directing both eyes simultaneously towards the same fixation poin Strabismus No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-05-31 16:45:02.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21714 Gag reflect status GagReflexStatus Status as related to gag reflex Status as related to gag refle Gag reflex Absent;Present Absent;Present Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 09:26:26.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C22774 Hoarseness assessment indicator HoarseAssmtInd The indicator related to hoarseness which describes abnormal voice changes The indicator related to hoarseness which describes abnormal voice change Hoarseness No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-05-31 16:45:02.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21715 Tongue function deviation assessment status TongueFunctDeviationAssmtStat Status as related to tongue function deviation Status as related to tongue function deviatio Tongue Function - Tongue Deviation Right;Left;None Right;Left;None Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 09:53:22.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C21716 Tongue function atrophy assessment status TongueFunctionAtrphyAssmtStat Status as related to tongue function atrophy Status as related to tongue function atroph Tongue Function - Tongue Atrophy Right;Left;Both Right;Left;Both Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 13:11:23.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21717 Sleep disorder finding type SleepDisordrFindType Type as related to sleep disorder Type as related to sleep disorde Sleep Disorder Obstructive;PLMS;Central Obstructive;PLMS;Central Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 13:35:29.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C21718 Cardiac arrhythmia finding text CardiacArrthythFndngTxt The free-text field to explain the findings of the cardiac arrhythmia The free-text field to explain the findings of the cardiac arrhythmi Cardiac Arrhythmias Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-05-31 13:42:45.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations 4000

Free-Form Entry

C21719 Sixth cranial nerve palsy assessment status SixthCranlNervPalsyAssmtStat Status as related to assessment of 6th cranial nerve palsy Status as related to assessment of 6th cranial nerve pals 6th nerve palsy Right;Left;Both Right;Left;Both Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Exploratory 1.00 2016-05-31 13:48:48.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21720 Vertigo assessment indicator VertigoAssmtInd Indicator as related to assessment of vertigo Indicator as related to assessment of vertig Vertigo No;Positional;Yes No;Positional;Yes Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 13:53:46.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21722 Oculomotor saccadic pursuit assessment indicator OculomtrSaccadicPursAssmtInd Indicator related to if there are saccades (quick movements of eye in same direction toward) and smooth pursuit (tracking object) eye movements which are two different types of oculomotor control Indicator related to if there are saccades (quick movements of eye in same direction toward) and smooth pursuit (tracking object) eye movements which are two different types of oculomotor contro Saccadic Pursuit No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric

Please see the Data Dictionary for definitions for each of the data elements included in this CRF Module.
Important note: None of the data elements included on this CRF are considered Core (i.e., strongly recommended for all studies to collect). These data elements are supplemental or exploratory and should be collected on clinical trials and only if the research team considers them appropriate for their study.

Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2016-05-31 16:11:47.0 Brainstem Signs/Symptoms Physical/Neurological Examination Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected