CDE Detailed Report
Subdomain Name: Classification
CRF: Injuries and Injury Severity
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C18398 | Head abbreviated injury scale score | HeadAISScore | Score the severity of head injury measured by Abbreviated Injury Scale | Score the severity of head injury measured by Abbreviated Injury Scale | Head AIS Score | 1;2;3;4;5;6 | Minor: no treatment needed;Moderate: requires only outpatient treatment;Serious: requires non-ICU hospital admission;Severe: requires ICU observation and/or Core treatment;Critical: requires intubation, mechanical ventilation or vasopressors for blood pressure support;Maximal: not survivable. | Numeric values | Baker SP, O'Neill B, Haddon W Jr, et al. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma. Mar 1974;14(3):187-196. Medicine AftAoA. The Abbreviated Injury Scale, 1990 Revision. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 15-24. 1990. Des Plaines, IL. - ISS calculator Pediatric: Gennarelli TA, Wodzin A. AIS 2005: A contemporary injury scale. Injury 2006 37:1083-1091. | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Injuries and Injury Severity | Classification | Disease/Injury Related Events |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C05449 | Abbreviated injury scale body region category | AbbrevInjryScalBodyRgnCat | Category of body region assessed by Abbreviated Injury Scale | Category of body region assessed by Abbreviated Injury Scale | Head and neck;Face;Thorax/chest;Abdomen and pelvic contents;Extremities and pelvic girdle;Brain Injury;Cervical spine;Thoracic spine;Lumbar spine;Upper extremities;Lower extremities;Pelvic Girdle;Externa (skin) | Head and neck;Face;Thorax/chest;Abdomen and pelvic contents;Extremities and pelvic girdle;Brain Injury;Cervical spine;Thoracic spine;Lumbar spine;Upper extremities;Lower extremities;Pelvic Girdle;Externa (skin) | Alphanumeric |
The element may be included if relevant to the study. For additional details like permissible values, see the data dictionary associated with this CRF. |
Baker SP, O'Neill B, Haddon W Jr, et al. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma. Mar 1974;14(3):187-196. Medicine AftAoA. The Abbreviated Injury Scale, 1990 Revision. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 15-24. 1990. Des Plaines, IL. - ISS calculator Pediatric: Gennarelli TA, Wodzin A. AIS 2005: A contemporary injury scale. Injury 2006 37:1083-1091. | Adult;Pediatric | Basic | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Injuries and Injury Severity | Classification | Disease/Injury Related Events |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C05450 | Abbreviated Injury Scale body region score | AISBodyRegionScore | Score for the body region measured by Abbreviated Injury Scale | Score for the body region measured by Abbreviated Injury Scale | 1;2;3;4;5;6;9 | Minor: no treatment needed;Moderate: requires only outpatient treatment;Serious: requires non-ICU hospital admission;Severe: requires ICU observation and/or basic treatment;Critical: requires intubation, mechanical ventilation or vasopressors for blood pressure support;Maximal: not survivable;Not possible to assign (in NINDS this is 'unknown') | Numeric Values |
The element may be included if relevant to the study. For additional details like permissible values, see the data dictionary associated with this CRF. |
Baker SP, O'Neill B, Haddon W Jr, et al. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma. Mar 1974;14(3):187-196. Medicine AftAoA. The Abbreviated Injury Scale, 1990 Revision. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 15-24. 1990. Des Plaines, IL. - ISS calculator Pediatric: Gennarelli TA, Wodzin A. AIS 2005: A contemporary injury scale. Injury 2006 37:1083-1091. | Adult;Pediatric | Basic | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Injuries and Injury Severity | Classification | Disease/Injury Related Events |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C05451 | Injury Severity Score | InjSeverScore | Score measured by injury severity score (ISS) | Score measured by injury severity score (ISS) | Numeric Values |
The element may be included if relevant to the study. For additional details like permissible values, see the data dictionary associated with this CRF. |
Baker SP, O'Neill B, Haddon W Jr, et al. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma. Mar 1974;14(3):187-196. Medicine AftAoA. The Abbreviated Injury Scale, 1990 Revision. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 15-24. 1990. Des Plaines, IL. - ISS calculator Pediatric: Gennarelli TA, Wodzin A. AIS 2005: A contemporary injury scale. Injury 2006 37:1083-1091. | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Injuries and Injury Severity | Classification | Disease/Injury Related Events |
Free-Form Entry |
C05452 | Spinal injury anatomic site | SpnlInjAntmicSit | Anatomic site(s) of the spine injury represented as level(s) of the spinal-injured vertebrae | Anatomic site(s) of the spine injury represented as level(s) of the spinal-injured vertebra | C0;C1;C2;C3;C4;C5;C6;C7;L1;L2;L3;L4;L5;S1;S2;S3;S4-5;T1;T2;T3;T4;T5;T6;T7;T8;T9;T10;T11;T12 | C0;C1;C2;C3;C4;C5;C6;C7;L1;L2;L3;L4;L5;S1;S2;S3;S4-5;T1;T2;T3;T4;T5;T6;T7;T8;T9;T10;T11;T12 | Alphanumeric |
The element may be included if relevant to the study. For additional details like permissible values, see the data dictionary associated with this CRF. |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Injuries and Injury Severity | Classification | Disease/Injury Related Events |
Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected |
C07460 | Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score | PediatRiskMortalScore | Score of the Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score to determine the mortality risk factors | Score of the Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score to determine the mortality risk factors | Numeric Values |
The element may be included if relevant to the study. For additional details like permissible values, see the data dictionary associated with this CRF. |
Pollack MM, Ruttimann UE, Getson PR .Pediatric risk of mortality (PRISM) score. Crit Care Med. 1988 Nov;16(11):1110-6. | Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 | Injuries and Injury Severity | Classification | Disease/Injury Related Events |
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