CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Mitochondrial Disease
Subdomain Name: Physical Examinations
CRF: Physical Exam

Displaying 1 - 37 of 37
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C60342 Triceps skinfold thickness value TricepSknfldThcknsVal Value of the triceps skinfold (back side middle upper arm) thickness measurement Value of the triceps skinfold (back side middle upperarm) thickness measurement Triceps skinfold thickness Numeric Values

Enter the thickness in millimeters.

Slaughter MH, Lohman TG, Boileau RA, Horswill CA, Stillman RJ, Van Loan MD, Bemben DA. Skinfold equations for estimation of body fatness in children and youth. Hum Biol. 1988 Oct;60(5):709-23. Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2024-02-29 15:58:59.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C60343 Subscapular skinfold thickness value SubscapSknfldThcknsVal Value of the subscapular skinfold (under the lowest point of the shoulder blade) thickness measurement Value of the subscapular skinfold (under the lowest point of the shoulder blade) thickness measurement Subscapular skinfold thickness Numeric Values

Enter the thickness in millimeters.

Slaughter MH, Lohman TG, Boileau RA, Horswill CA, Stillman RJ, Van Loan MD, Bemben DA. Skinfold equations for estimation of body fatness in children and youth. Hum Biol. 1988 Oct;60(5):709-23. Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2024-02-29 15:58:59.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C00008 Age value AgeVal Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant Age Numeric Values

Years for adults, years and months for

No references available Adult Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:47:28.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 1800 month
C19620 Weight length standard infant use type WgtLngthStndrdInfantUseTyp Indicator of whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in weight/length Z-score calculation Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in weight/length Z-score calculation Standard used WHO;CDC WHO;CDC Alphanumeric

Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. JAMA. 2014 Feb 26;311(8):806-14.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C01541 Weight measurement WgtMeasr Measurement of participant's weight Measurement of participant's weight Weight Numeric Values

Obtain weight of the participant in light clothing without shoes and record. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether weight was measured in pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).

Adult Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:49:21.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 500 kilogram 2179689
C19580 Weight/Length percentile value WgtLngthPrcntVal Value of the participant's weight/length percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Value of the participant's weight/length percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Weight/length percentile Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions. If premature, 22-37 weeks gestation, use growth charts for premature babies. The Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary) is recommended and is the World Health Organization growth standard.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary). Retrieved 18 May 2023 from<br /><br /><br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:07.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19621 BMI Z score BMIZScr The number of standard deviations the calculated BMI of the participant is above the mean The number of standard deviations the calculated BMI of the subject/participant is above the mean BMI Z-score Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C01581 Weight unit of measure WgtUoM Unit of measure for the weight numerical value Unit of measure for the weight numerical value Weight Pounds;Kilograms Pounds;Kilograms Alphanumeric

Choose either pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).

Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19581 BMI Percentile Value BMIPrcntVal Value of the participant's BMI percentile for children over 2 years Value of the participant's BMI percentile for children over 2 years BMI percentile Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:14.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19622 BMI standard infant use type BMIStndrdInfantUseTyp Indicator of whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in BMI Z-score calculation Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in BMI Z-score calculation Standard used WHO;CDC WHO;CDC Alphanumeric

Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C01582 Height unit of measure HgtUOM Unit of measure for the height numerical value for participant Unit of measure for the height numerical value for participant Height Inches;Centimeters Inches;Centimeters Alphanumeric

Choose either inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

Adult Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:58:54.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19582 Tanner stage pubic hair scale TannerStagePubHairScale The scale defining physical measurements of development based on external primary and secondary sex characteristics, such as the development of pubic hair to characterize stages of physical development in children, adolescents and adults The scale defining physical measurements of development based on external primary and secondary sex characteristics, such as the size of the breasts, genitalia, and development of pubic hair to characterize stages of physical development in children, adol Tanner Stage (pubic hair) I;II;III;IV;V I;II;III;IV;V Alphanumeric

Noting puberty stage by exam should be strongly considered. If exam is not possible, stage can be collected by self-report.
• Pubic hair (both male and female)
- Tanner I
o no pubic hair at all (prepubertal Dominic state) [typically age 10 and younger]
- Tanner II
o small amount of long, downy hair with slight pigmentation at the base of the penis and scrotum (males) or on the labia majora (females) [10-11.5]
- Tanner III
o hair becomes more coarse and curly, and begins to extend laterally [11.5-13]
- Tanner IV
o adult-like hair quality, extending across pubis but sparing medial thighs [13-15]
- Tanner V
o hair extends to medial surface of the thighs [15+]

Emmanuel M, Bokor BR. Tanner Stages. [Updated 2022 Dec 11]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan. Available from: Rasmussen AR, Wohlfahrt-Veje C, Tefre de Renzy-Martin K, Hagen CP, Tinggaard J, Mouritsen A, Mieritz MG, Main KM. Validity of self-assessment of pubertal maturation. Pediatrics. 2015 Jan;135(1):86-93. <br /><br />Schmitz KE, Hovell MF, Nichols JF, Irvin VL, Keating K, Simon GM, Gehrman C, Jones KL. A Validation Study of Early Adolescents' Pubertal Self-Assessments. J Early Adolesc. 2004 Nov;24(4):357-84. <br /><br />Walker IV, Smith CR, Davies JH, Inskip HM, Baird J. Methods for determining pubertal status in research studies: literature review and opinions of experts and adolescents. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2020 Apr;11(2):168-87. <br /><br />Yayah Jones NH, Khoury JC, Xu Y, Newman N, Kalkwarf HJ, Braun JM, Lanphear B, Chen A, Cecil KM, Rose SR, Yolton K. Comparing adolescent self staging of pubertal development with hormone biomarkers. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Aug 24;34(12):1531-41. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19623 Head circumference percentile value HeadCircumPrcntVal Value of the participant's head circumference percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Value of the participant's head circumference percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Head Circumference percentile Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions. If premature, 22-37 weeks gestation, use growth charts for premature babies. The Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary) is recommended and is the World Health Organization growth standard.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary). Retrieved 18 May 2023 from<br /><br /><br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C11131 Body mass index value BMIVal Value of the participant's body mass index, calculated from height and weight Value of the participant's body mass index, calculated from height and weight BMI Numeric Values

Calculate BMI ( OR
BMI = weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703 or weight (kg) / [height (m)]2

Adult Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:58:55.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

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0 99
C19583 Tanner stage genitalia scale TannerStageGenitScale The scale defining physical measurements of development based on external primary and secondary sex characteristics, such as the size of the breasts and genitalia to characterize stages of physical development in children, adolescents and adults The scale defining physical measurements of development based on external primary and secondary sex characteristics, such as the size of the breasts, genitalia, and development of pubic hair to characterize stages of physical development in children, adol Tanner Stage (genitalia - males; breasts - females) I;II;III;IV;V I;II;III;IV;V Alphanumeric

Noting puberty stage by exam should be strongly considered. If exam is not possible, stage can be collected by self-report.
• Genitals (male) - testicular volumes differ from Tanner Stages by Emmanuel and Bokor:
- Tanner I
o prepubescent (testicular volume less than 1.5 mL; small penis of 3 cm or less) [typically age 9 and younger]
- Tanner II
o testicular volume between 1.6 and 6 mL; skin on scrotum thins, reddens and enlarges; penis length unchanged [9-11]
- Tanner III
o testicular volume between 6 and 12 mL; scrotum enlarges further; penis begins to lengthen to about 6 cm [11-12.5]
- Tanner IV
o testicular volume between 12 and 20 mL; scrotum enlarges further and darkens; penis increases in length to 10 cm and circumference [12.5-14]
- Tanner V
o testicular volume greater than 20 mL; adult scrotum and penis of 15 cm in length [14+]
• Breasts (female)
- Tanner I
o no glandular tissue: areola follows the skin contours of the chest (prepubertal) [typically age 10 and younger]
- Tanner II
o breast bud forms, with small area of surrounding glandular tissue; areola begins to widen [10-11.5]
- Tanner III
o breast begins to become more elevated, and extends beyond the borders of the areola, which continues to widen but remains in contour with surrounding breast [11.5-13]
- Tanner IV
o increased breast size and elevation; areola and papilla form a secondary mound projecting from the contour of the surrounding breast [13-15]
- Tanner V
o breast reaches final adult size; areola returns to contour of the surrounding breast, with a projecting central papilla. [15+]

Emmanuel M, Bokor BR. Tanner Stages. [Updated 2022 Dec 11]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan. Available from: Rasmussen AR, Wohlfahrt-Veje C, Tefre de Renzy-Martin K, Hagen CP, Tinggaard J, Mouritsen A, Mieritz MG, Main KM. Validity of self-assessment of pubertal maturation. Pediatrics. 2015 Jan;135(1):86-93. <br /><br />Schmitz KE, Hovell MF, Nichols JF, Irvin VL, Keating K, Simon GM, Gehrman C, Jones KL. A Validation Study of Early Adolescents' Pubertal Self-Assessments. J Early Adolesc. 2004 Nov;24(4):357-84. <br /><br />Walker IV, Smith CR, Davies JH, Inskip HM, Baird J. Methods for determining pubertal status in research studies: literature review and opinions of experts and adolescents. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2020 Apr;11(2):168-87. <br /><br />Yayah Jones NH, Khoury JC, Xu Y, Newman N, Kalkwarf HJ, Braun JM, Lanphear B, Chen A, Cecil KM, Rose SR, Yolton K. Comparing adolescent self staging of pubertal development with hormone biomarkers. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Aug 24;34(12):1531-41. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19624 Head circumference Z score HeadCircumZScr The number of standard deviations the measured head circumference of the participant is above the mean The number of standard deviations the measured head circimference of the /participant is above the mean Head Circumference Z-score Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentile and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions. If premature, 22-37 weeks gestation, use growth charts for premature babies. The Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary) is recommended and is the World Health Organization growth standard.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary). Retrieved 18 May 2023 from<br /><br /><br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:18.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C15900 Weight percentile value WgtPrcntVal Value of the participant's weight percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Value of the participant's weight percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Percentile Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:58:58.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19608 Length percentile value LngthPrcntVal Value of the participant's length percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Value of the participant's length percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Length percentile Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:01.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19625 Head circumference standard infant use type HeadCircumStndrdInfantUseTyp Indicator of whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in head circumference Z-score calculation Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in head circumference Z-score calculation Standard used WHO;CDC WHO;CDC Alphanumeric

Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C15901 Height percentile value HgtPrcntVal Value of the participant's height percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Value of the participant's height percentile for age calculated using a standardized growth chart Height Percentile Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:59:05.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19613 Length Z score LngthZScr The number of standard deviations the measured length of the participant is above the mean The number of standard deviations the measured length of the participant is above the mean Length Z-score Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:02.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19631 Weight pediatric measurement WgtPedMeasr Measurement of weight for a pediatric participant Measurement of weight for a pediatric participant's Weight Numeric Values

Obtain weight of the participant in light clothing without shoes and record. Infants should be weighed in a pan scale and children older than 2 years on a beam balance scale. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether weight was measured in pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).

No references available Pediatric Supplemental 2.00 2024-02-29 15:58:56.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 1500 2179689
C19571 Body mass index category BMICat Categorization of the participant's body mass index Categorization of the participant's body mass index BMI categorization Alphanumeric

Severe thinness = Moderate thinness = 16-17
Mild thinness = 17-18.5
Underweight = Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
30 to 34.99 = Obesity (Class 1)
35 to 39.99 = Obesity (Class 2)
40 or greater = Morbid Obesity (Class 3)

Adult Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-18 00:00:00.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations 40

Free-Form Entry

C19616 Length standard infant use type LngthStndrdInfantUseTyp Indicator of whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in length Z-score calculation Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in length Z-score calculation Standard used WHO;CDC WHO;CDC Alphanumeric

Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19632 Weight pediatric unit of measure WgtPedUoM Unit of measure for the pediatric weight numerical value Unit of measure for the pediatric weight numerical value Weight Pounds;Kilograms Pounds;Kilograms Alphanumeric

Choose either pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).

No references available Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2015-02-18 00:00:00.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19572 Height pediatric measurement HgtPediatricMeasr Measurement of pediatric participant's height Measurement of pediatric participant's height Height (children > 2 years) Numeric Values

Measure recumbent length (for children 2 years) using a fixed stadiometer and record. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether height was measured in inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:03.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 400 649
C19617 Height Z score HgtZScr The number of standard deviations the measured height of the participant is above the mean The number of standard deviations the measured height of the /participant is above the mean Height Z-score Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine %iles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:05.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19633 Height pediatric unit of measure HgtPedUOM Unit of measure for the height numerical value for participant < 21 years old Unit of measure for the height numerical value for participant < 21 years old Height (children > 2 years) Inches;Centimeters Inches;Centimeters Alphanumeric

Choose either inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

No references available Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:04.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C01520 Head circumference measurement HeadCircumfMeasr Circumferential measurement of the head at the widest point - the distance from above the eyebrows and ears and around the back of the head Circumferential measurement of the head at the widest point - the distance from above the eyebrows and ears and around the back of the head Head Circumference Numeric Values

Using a flexible, non-stretchable tape, measure over the most prominent part of the occiput and just above the supraorbital ridges (this is the largest part of the head). Record the head circumference of the participant as well as the units for the measurement.

Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 100 centimeter 3181613
C19575 Length infant measurement LengthInfantMeasr Length measurement taken for infants less than 24 months Length measurement taken for infants less than 24 months Length (infants < 24 mo) Numeric Values

Measure recumbent length (for children 2 years) using a fixed stadiometer and record. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether height was measured in inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:00.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C19618 Height standard infant use type HgtStndrdInfantUseTyp Indicator of whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation Standard used WHO;CDC WHO;CDC Alphanumeric

Indicate whether WHO or CDC growth charts were used in height Z-score calculation.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-03-18 15:21:17.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19634 Body mass index pediatric value BMIlPedVal Value of the participant's body mass index, calculated from height and weight, age < 21 years Value of the participant's body mass index, calculated from height and weight, age < 21 years BMI (children > 2 years) Numeric Values

Calculate BMI ( OR
BMI =weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703 or weight (kg) / [height (m)]2

No references available Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:12.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 99
C01522 Height measurement HgtMeasr Measurement of participant's height Measurement of participant's height Height Numeric Values

Measure the height of the participant using a fixed stadiometer and record. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether height was measured in inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

Adult Supplemental 3.10 2024-02-29 15:49:20.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

0 400 centimeter 649
C19577 Length infant unit of measure LengthInfantUOM Unit of measure for the length numerical value for participant Unit of measure for the length numerical value for participant Length (infants < 24 mo) Inches;Centimeters Inches;Centimeters Alphanumeric

Choose either inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

Pediatric Supplemental 2.00 2024-02-29 15:59:01.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19619 Weight length Z Score WgtLngthZScr The number of standard deviations the measured weight/length of the participant is above the mean The number of standard deviations the measured weight/length of the participant is above the mean Weight Z-score Numeric Values

Use WHO and CDC growth charts to determine percentiles and Z-scores for age and sex. (In order to allow pooling of observational and clinical trials data across diverse populations, use of international standards is favored over country-specific standards.) Z-scores correspond approximately to standard deviations above or below the median or mean, and may provide additional information, particularly at the extremes of the distributions. If premature, 22-37 weeks gestation, use growth charts for premature babies. The Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary) is recommended and is the World Health Organization growth standard.

de Onis M, Siyam A, Borghi E, Onyango AW, Piwoz E, Garza C. Comparison of the World Health Organization growth velocity standards with existing US reference data. Pediatrics. 2011 Jul;128(1):e18-26.<br /><br />de Onis M, Onyango A, Borghi E, Siyam A, Bl&Ouml;ssner M, Lutter C; WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Worldwide implementation of the WHO Child Growth Standards. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Sep;15(9):1603-10.<br /><br />Fenton Preterm Growth Chart (University of Calgary). Retrieved 18 May 2023 from<br /><br /><br /><br />Onyango AW. La m&Eacute;thodologie des standards de croissance de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant&Eacute; et les principaux r&Eacute;sultats de l'&Eacute;tude << multicentre growth reference >> [World Health Organization child growth standards: background, methodology and main results of the Multicentre Growth Reference Study]. Arch Pediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):735-6. French. Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:10.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Free-Form Entry

C01523 Head circumference unit of measure HdCircumfUoM Unit of measure for the head circumference numerical value Unit of measure for the head circumference numerical value Head Circumference Inches;Centimeters Inches;Centimeters Alphanumeric

Choose only one unit.

Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-24 21:00:23.88 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C19579 Weight length infant measurement WgtLngthInfantMeasr Measurement of weight/Length for infants less than 24 months Measurement of weight/Length for infants less than 24 months Weight/length (infants < 24 mo) Numeric Values

Obtain weight of the participant in light clothing without shoes and record. Infants should be weighed in a pan scale and children older than 2 years on a beam balance scale. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether weight was measured in pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg). Measure recumbent length (for children 2 years) using a fixed stadiometer and record. To be collected at the visit, not self-reported. Also, indicate whether height was measured in inches (in) or centimeters (cm).

Pediatric Supplemental 1.10 2024-02-29 15:59:07.0 Physical Exam Physical Examinations Assessments and Examinations

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