CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Parkinson's Disease
Subdomain Name: Epidemiology/Environmental History
CRF: Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C17687 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance sedative barbiturate text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbSedBrbTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Sedatives-barbiturates and others: phenobarbital, Seconol, Nembutal, Dorieden, Quaalude, Amytal, Fiorinal, downers,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject Text specifying the drugs within the 'Sedatives-barbiturates and others: phenobarbital, Seconol, Nembutal, Dorieden, Quaalude, Amytal, Fiorinal, downers,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant Sedatives: (sleeping pills, barbiturates, Seconal, Quaaludes, or Chloral Hydrate)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 12:07:04.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C00712 Subscribed drug or substance illicitly used category SbscrbdDrgSubIllctUseCat Category of illegal drugs, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs subscribed by the participant/subject, and used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in large amounts Category of illegal drugs, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs subscribed by the participant/subject, and used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in large amounts Drug Class Marijuana (hash, THC, or grass);Cocaine or crack;CBD (Cannabidiol);Stimulants (Crystal Meth, uppers, or speed);Anti-anxiety drugs (Valium, Librium, muscle relaxants, or Xanax);Opioids (Codeine, Fentanyl, Oxycontin, Darvon, Percodan, Dilaudid, or Demerol);Sedatives (e.g., sleeping pills, barbiturates, Seconal, Quaaludes, or Chloral Hydrate);Inhalants or Solvents (e.g., amyl nitrate, nitrous oxide, glue, toluene, or gasoline;Heroin;Hallucinogens (Ecstasy, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, PCP, angel dust, ketamine, or peyote);L-Dopa supplements;Anti-psychotics (Thorazine or Haldol);Other, specify (e.g., anabolic steroids) Marijuana (hash, THC, or grass);Cocaine or crack;CBD (Cannabidiol);Stimulants (Crystal Meth, uppers, or speed);Anti-anxiety drugs (Valium, Librium, muscle relaxants, or Xanax);Opioids (Codeine, Fentanyl, Oxycontin, Darvon, Percodan, Dilaudid, or Demerol);Sedatives (e.g., sleeping pills, barbiturates, Seconal, Quaaludes, or Chloral Hydrate);Inhalants or Solvents (e.g., amyl nitrate, nitrous oxide, glue, toluene, or gasoline;Heroin;Hallucinogens (Ecstasy, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, PCP, angel dust, ketamine, or peyote);L-Dopa supplements;Anti-psychotics (Thorazine or Haldol);Other, specify (e.g., anabolic steroids) Alphanumeric

Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs listed. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug. For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used. If a class of drug was never used (except if prescribed), then leave years and frequency of use blank and go to the next line in the table

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C17688 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance opioid text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbOpioidTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Opioids/Narcotics: heroin, opium, morphine, methadone, codeine, Darvon, Percodan, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Demerol/meperidine,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the Opioids/Narcotic: heroin, opium, morphine, methadone, codeine, Darvon, Percodan, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Demerol/meperidine category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant Opioids: (Codeine, Fentanyl, Oxycontin, Darvon, Percodan, Dilaudid, or Demerol)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 4.00 2022-06-24 12:09:24.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C00716 Drug or substance illicit use duration DrgSubsIllctUseDur Duration, in years, the participant/subject has used unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances Duration, in years, the participant/subject has used unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substance Total Years Used Numeric Values

Count only number of years in which some use occurred.
Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs listed. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug. If a class of drug was never used (except if prescribed), then leave years and frequency of use blank and go to the next line in the table.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

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0 99 Year 2004152
C17689 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance inhalant text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbInhlntTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Inhalants: glue, toluene, gasoline, aerosols, paint thinner, nitrous oxide, amyl nitrite,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the 'Inhalants: glue, toluene, gasoline, aerosols, paint thinner, nitrous oxide, amyl nitrite,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject Inhalants or Solvents: (amyl nitrate, nitrous oxide, glue, toluene, or gasoline)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 12:15:36.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C08232 Drug or substance illicit use ever indicator DrgSubIllicitEverUseInd Indicator of participant's/subject's use of illegal drugs, prescription or over-the-counter drugs at any point in his/her lifetime for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in large amounts Indicator of participant's/subject's use of an unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject. at any point in his/her lifetime Ever Used? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C17690 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance hallucinogen text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbHalcnTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Hallucinogens: ecstasy/MDMA, LSD, mescaline/peyote, psilocybin/mushrooms, PCP/phencylidine/angel dust, MDA/STP/DOM,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject Text specifying the drugs within the 'Hallucinogens: ecstasy/MDMA, LSD, mescaline/peyote, psilocybin/mushrooms, PCP/phencylidine/angel dust, MDA/STP/DOM,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant Hallucinogens: (Ecstasy, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, PCP, angel dust, ketamine, or peyote)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 12:17:25.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

Free-Form Entry

C08233 Drug or substance first illicit use date and time DrgSubFirstIllicitUseDateTime Date (and time if applicable and known) the participant/subject first used the category of illegal drugs, prescription or over-the-counter drugs Date (and time if applicable and known) the participant/subject first used the category of illegal drugs, prescription or over-the-counter drug Year First Used Date or Date & Time

Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs listed. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug. If a class of drug was never used (except if prescribed), then leave years and frequency of use blank and go to the next line in the table.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Free-Form Entry

C18670 Subscribed drug or substance illicitly used category other text SbscrbdDrgSubIllctUseCatOTH The free-text field related to 'Subscribed drug or substance illicitly used category' specifying other text. Category of illegal drugs, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs the participant/subject used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in large amounts Subscribed drug substance illicitly used category specifying other text. Category of illegal drugs, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs the participant/subject used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in large amounts Other, specify: (e.g., anabolic steroids) Alphanumeric

Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs listed. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug. For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used. If a class of drug was never used (except if prescribed), then leave years and frequency of use blank and go to the next line in the table.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 1.10 2022-06-24 11:33:13.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 4000

Free-Form Entry

C08234 Drug or substance last illicit use date and time DrgSubLastIllicitUseDateTime Date (and time if applicable and known) of the participant's/subject's last use of an unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject Date (and time if applicable and known) of the participant's/subject's last use of an unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subjec Year Last Used Date or Date & Time

Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs listed. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug. If a class of drug was never used (except if prescribed), then leave years and frequency of use blank and go to the next line in the table.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Free-Form Entry

C59021 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance heroin text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbHeroinTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Heroin' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the 'Heroin' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject Heroin

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2022-06-24 12:11:26.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C08235 Drug or substance illicit use frequency DrgSubIllicitUseFreq The subject's/participant's average or typical use frequency during the year of greatest use of an unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The subject's/participant's average or typical use frequency during the year of greatest use of an unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subjec Frequency of Use Alphanumeric

Average or typical frequency during the year of greatest use. List number of uses per day (_/d), week (_/w), month (_/m), or year (_/y), as applicable.
Enter information about the use of any of the types of drugs listed. Include drugs used at any time in life, but do not include any drugs prescribed by a doctor. Examples and common names are given for each class of drug. If a class of drug was never used (except if prescribed), then leave years and frequency of use blank and go to the next line in the table.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C59022 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance L-Dopa supplement text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbLDpaSpTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'L-Dopa supplements' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the 'L-Dopa supplements' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject L-Dopa supplements

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2022-06-24 12:17:43.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C17683 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance marijuana text NprscrbContrPschacDrgSbMrjTxt The text specifying the drugs within the Marijuana: hash, THC category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the Marijuana: hash, THC category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subjec Marijuana: (hash, THC, or grass)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 11:44:17.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C59023 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance anti-psychotic text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbAntpsyTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Anti-psychotics: (Thorazine or Haldol)' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the 'Anti-psychotics: (Thorazine or Haldol)' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject Anti-psychotics: (Thorazine or Haldol)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2022-06-24 12:19:43.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C17684 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance stimulant cocaine text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbStmCocTxt The text specifying the drugs within the Stimulants: cocaine/crack category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the Stimulants: cocaine/crack category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subjec Cocaine or crack

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 11:48:57.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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C59024 Subscribed drug or substance illicitly used specify other text SbscrbdDrgSubIllctUseSpcfyOTH The text specifying the drugs within the 'Other, specify: (e.g., anabolic steroids)' category as illegal drugs, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs the participant/subject used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in large amounts The text specifying the drugs within the 'Other, specify: (e.g., anabolic steroids)' category as illegal drugs, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs the participant/subject used for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in l Other, specify: (e.g., anabolic steroids)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used.

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 1.00 2022-06-24 12:21:47.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 4000

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C17685 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance stimulant amphetamine text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbStmAmpTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Stimulants: amphetamine, Benzedrine, Methedrine, Dexedrine, Preludin, Ritalin, uppers, speed,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the 'Stimulants: amphetamine, Benzedrine, Methedrine, Dexedrine, Preludin, Ritalin, uppers, speed,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subjec Stimulants: (Crystal Meth, uppers, or speed)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 11:53:43.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

Free-Form Entry

C17686 Non-prescribed controlled psychoactive drug substance sedative tranquilizer text NprscrCntrPschacDrgSbSedTrnTxt The text specifying the drugs within the 'Sedatives/minor tranquilizers/muscle relaxants-benzodiazepines and others: Valium/diazepam, Librium, Halcion, Xanax, Dalmane, Flexeril,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances used by the participant/subject The text specifying the drugs within the 'Sedatives/minor tranquilizers/muscle relaxants-benzodiazepines and others: Valium/diazepam, Librium, Halcion, Xanax, Dalmane, Flexeril,' category as unprescribed, controlled psychoactive drugs or substances us Anti-anxiety drugs: (Valium®, Librium, muscle relaxants, or Xanax)

For each class of drug, list specific drug(s) used

Ferreira C, Almeida C, Tenreiro S, Quintas A. Neuroprotection or Neurotoxicity of Illicit Drugs on Parkinson's Disease. Life (Basel). 2020 Jun 11;10(6):86.<br /><br />Lappin JM, Darke S, Farrell M. Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:134-140. Adult Supplemental 3.10 2022-06-24 12:01:23.0 Non-prescribed Drug Use Questionnaire Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

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