CDE Detailed Report
Subdomain Name: Behavioral Function
CRF: Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI)
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C11851 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - loss insight score | FBILossInsightScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's loss of insight, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's loss of insight, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Loss of Insight: Is s/he aware of any problems or changes in behavior, or does s/he seem unaware of them or deny them when discussed? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11862 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - restlessness roaming score | FBIRestlessnessRoamingScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's restlessness/roaming, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's restlessness/roaming, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Restlessness / Roaming: Has s/he been roaming, pacing, walking, driving excessively or is the activity level normal? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11852 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - logopenia score | FBILogopeniaScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's logopenia, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's logopenia, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Logopenia: Is s/he as talkative as before or has the amount of speech significantly decreased? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11863 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - irritability score | FBIIrritabilityScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's irritability, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's irritability, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Irritability: Has s/he been irritable, short-tempered, or is s/he reacting to stress or frustration as s/he always had? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11853 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - aphasia verbal apraxia score | FBIAphasiaVrblApraxiaScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's aphasia and verbal apraxia, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's aphasia and verbal apraxia, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Aphasia and Verbal Apraxia: Does s/he make language or pronunciation errors or has s/he developed stuttering or grammatical errors recently? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11864 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - aggression score | FBIAggressionScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's aggression, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's aggression, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Aggression: Has s/he shown aggression, or shouted at anyone or hurt anyone physically, or is there no change in this respect? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11854 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - comprehension semantic deficit score | FBIComprhnsnSemanticDeficitScr | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's comprehension (semantic) deficit, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's comprehension (semantic) deficit, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Comprehension (Semantic) deficit: Does s/he ask what words mean, has trouble comprehending words, and/or objects, or does s/he know the meaning of words? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11865 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - hyperorality food fads score | FBIHyperoralityFoodFadsScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's hyperorality/food fads, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's hyperorality/food fads, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Hyperorality/food fads: Has s/he been drinking or eating excessively anything in sight, or developing food fads, a sweet tooth, eating bananas or cookies excessively, or even putting objects in his/her mouth, or has s/he always had a large appetite and the eating habits have not changed? Has s/he lost table manners? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11844 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - apathy score | FBIApathyScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's apathy, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's apathy, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Apathy: Has s/he lost interest in friends or activities or is s/he interested in seeing people or doing things? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11855 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - alien hand apraxia score | FBIAlienHandApraxiaScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's alien hand and/or apraxia, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's alien hand and/or apraxia, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Alien Hand and/or Apraxia: Has s/he developed clumsiness, stiff hand, inability to use utensils or appliances, or does a hand interfere with the other, or behaves as if it did not belong, or can s/he use both hands as before? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11866 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - hypersexuality score | FBIHypersexualityScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's hypersexuality, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's hypersexuality, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Hypersexuality: Has sexual behavior been unusual or excessive? This could include remarks or undressing, or is there no change in this respect? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11845 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - aspontaneity score | FBIAspontaneityScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's aspontaneity, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's aspontaneity, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Aspontaneity: Does s/he start things on his/her own, or does s/he have to be asked? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11856 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - negative behavior total score value | FBINegtvBehavioralTtlScoreVal | The value of the sum of answers for Questions 1 - 12, indicating the Negative Behavior Score Total, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The value of the sum of answers for Questions 1 - 12, indicating the Negative Behavior Score Total, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Negative Behavior Score Total of 1 -12 | Numeric Values |
Sum of responses from Question 1 - Question 12. Enter a numeric value for score of 0-36. |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Free-Form Entry |
0 | 36 | ||||||||
C11867 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - utilization behavior score | FBIUtilizationBehaviorScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's utilization behavior, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's utilization behavior, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Utilization Behavior: Does s/he seem to need to touch, feel, examine, or pick-up objects within reach and sight, or can s/he keep his/her hands to him/herself? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11846 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - indifference score | FBIIndifferenceScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's indifference, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's indifference, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Indifference / Emotional Flatness: Does s/he respond to occasions of joy or sadness as much as ever, or has s/he lost emotional responsiveness? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11857 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - perseveration obsession stereotypy score | FBIPrsvrtnObsssnStrtypyScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's perseveration, obsessions (stereotypy), as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's perseveration, obsessions (stereotypy), as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Perseveration, Obsessions (Stereotypy): Does s/he repeat or perseverate actions or remarks? Are there any obsessive routines or behaviors, or has s/he always been a creature of habit? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11868 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - incontinence score | FBIIncontinenceScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's incontinence, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's incontinence, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Incontinence: Has s/he wet or soiled his or herself, or does s/he have problems that can be explained by urinary infection or childbirth/prostate? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11847 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - inflexibility score | FBIInflexibilityScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's inflexibility, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's inflexibility, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Inflexibility: Can s/he change his/her mind with reason or does s/he appear stubborn or rigid in thinking lately? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11858 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - hoarding score | FBIHoardingScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's hoarding, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's hoarding, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Hoarding: Has s/he started to hoard objects or money excessively or has her/his saving habits remained unchanged? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11869 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - disinhibition total score | FBIDisinhibitionTotalScore | The value of the sum of answers for Questions 13 - 24, indicating the Disinhibition Score Total, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The value of the sum of answers for Questions 13 - 24, indicating the Disinhibition Score Total, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Disinhibition Score | Numeric Values |
Sum of responses from Question 13 - Question 24. Enter a numeric value for score of 0-36. |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Free-Form Entry |
0 | 36 | ||||||||
C11848 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - disorganization score | FBIDisorganizationScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's disorganization, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's disorganization, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Disorganization: Can s/he plan and organize complex activity or is s/he easily distractible, indecisive, or unable to complete a job? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11859 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - inappropriateness score | FBIInappropriatenessScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's inappropriateness as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's inappropriateness as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Inappropriateness: Has s/he kept social rules or has s/he said or done things outside what are acceptable? Has s/he been rude, or childish? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11870 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - frontal behavioral inventory total score value | FBIFrntlBhvrlInvntryTtlScorVal | The value of the sum of answers for Questions 1 - 24, indicating the Frontal Behavioral Inventory Score Total, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The value of the sum of answers for Questions 1 - 24, indicating the Frontal Behavioral Inventory Score Total, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Total Score: | Numeric Values |
Sum of responses from Question 1 - Question 24. Enter a numeric value for score of 0-72. |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Free-Form Entry |
0 | 72 | ||||||||
C11849 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - inattention score | FBIInattentionScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's inattention, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's inattention, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Inattention: Does s/he pay attention to what is going on or does s/he seem to lose track or not follow at all? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11860 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - excessive jocularity score | FBIExcessiveJocularityScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's excessive jocularity, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's excessive jocularity, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Excessive jocularity: Has s/he been making jokes excessively or offensively or at the wrong time, or has s/he always had a jocular manner or a quirk sense of humor? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11850 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - personal neglect score | FBIPrsnlNeglectScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's personal neglect, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's personal neglect, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Personal Neglect: Does s/he take as much care of his/her personal hygiene and appearance as usual, or does s/he neglect to wash or change his/her underwear? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C11861 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) - poor judgment impulsivity score | FBIPoorJdgmntImpulsivityScore | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's poor judgment and impulsivity, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) form | The score the caregiver gives for the participant's/subject's poor judgment and impulsivity, as part of the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) fo | Poor Judgment and Impulsivity: Has s/he been using good judgment in decisions, spending or driving, or has s/he acted impulsively, irresponsibly, neglectfully or in poor judgment? | 0;1;2;3 | None;Mild, occasional;Moderate;Severe, most of the time | Numeric Values |
Kertesz, A., Davidson, W., & Fox, H. (1997). Frontal behavioral inventory: diagnostic criteria for frontal lobe dementia. Can J Neurol Sci, 24(1), 29-36. | Adult | NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended | 3.00 | 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 | Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) | Behavioral Function | Outcomes and End Points |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |