CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Stroke
Subdomain Name: Therapies
CRF: Palliative

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C14283 Do not resuscitate or intubate (DNR or DNI) earliest documentation timepoint type DNRDNIEarliestDocTimpntTyp Timepoint of earliest documentation of DNR/DNI (Do not resuscitate or Do not intubate) during hospitalization Timepoint of earliest documentation of DNR/ DNI (Do not resuscitate/ Do not intubate) during hospitalization Earliest documentation of DNR/DNI Day 1 or 2;Day 3 or after;Not Documented/Unable to Determine (UTD);Unknown Day 1 or 2;Day 3 or after;Not Documented/Unable to Determine (UTD);Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose one.

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-06-21 00:00:00.0 Palliative/Comfort Care and End of Life Issues Therapies Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18912 Comfort care measure other text ComfortCareMeasureOTH The free-text field related to 'Comfort care measure type' specifying other text. Describes the types of comfort care the participant/ subject received The free-text field related to 'Comfort care measure type' specifying other text. Describes the types of comfort care the participant/ subject received Other, specify Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply.

Kathleen Moneymaker. Comfort Measures Only. Journal of Palliative Medicine. June 2005, 8(3): 688-688. doi:10.1089/jpm.2005.8.688. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-06-21 00:00:00.0 Palliative/Comfort Care and End of Life Issues Therapies Treatment/Intervention Data 4000

Free-Form Entry

C14279 Comfort care indicator ComfortCareInd Indicates if there is any evidence that the participant's/ subject's care was restricted to "Comfort Measures Only". Commonly referred to as "palliative care" in the medical community and "comfort care" by the general public. Palliative care includes attention to the psychological and spiritual needs of the patient and support for the dying patient and the patient's family Indicates if there is any evidence that the participant's/ subject's care was restricted to "Comfort Measures Only". Commonly referred to as "palliative care" in the medical community and "comfort care" by the general public. Palliative care includes attention to the psychological and spiritual needs of the patient and support for the dying patient and the patient's famil Was the participant's/subject's care restricted to "Comfort Measures Only" Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose one.

Get With The Guidelines (GWTG) Stroke Patient Management Tool Coding Instructions (Updated on 11/4/2009); Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-06-21 00:00:00.0 Palliative/Comfort Care and End of Life Issues Therapies Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C14280 Comfort care earliest documentation timepoint type ComfrtCareEarlistDocTimepntTyp Timepoint of the earliest documentation of comfort measures only Timepoint of the earliest documentation of comfort measures only Earliest documents of "Comfort Measures Only" Day 1 or 2;Day 3 or after;ND/UTD The earliest day the physician/APN/PA documented comfort measures only was the day of arrival (Day 1) or day after arrival (Day 2).;The earliest day the physician/APN/PA documented comfort measures only was two or more days after arrival day (Day 3+).;Not Documented/ Unable To Determine: There is no physician/APN/PA documentation of comfort measures only, or unable to determine from medical record documentation. Alphanumeric

Choose one.

Get With The Guidelines (GWTG) Stroke Patient Management Tool Coding Instructions (Updated on 11/4/2009); Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-06-21 00:00:00.0 Palliative/Comfort Care and End of Life Issues Therapies Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C14281 Comfort care measure type ComfortCareMeasureTyp Describes the types of comfort care the participant/ subject received Describes the types of comfort care the participant/ subject received Type(s) of comfort care measures received Eliminating sources of discomfort;Providing effective pain and symptom management through the use of medications and other therapies;Offering a quiet, private environment that supports the intimate process of dying;Encouraging personal rituals that may honor or celebrate the person dying;Providing support, reassurance, and information about grief, bereavement, and information and guidance about the dying process;Providing spiritual care as desired;Offering food and fluids as the dying person desires and is able to take;Preventing constipation, even if oral intake has been minimal;Positioning at frequent intervals to prevent bedsores;Offering frequent mouth care for discomfort from drying (as tolerated);Instilling artificial tears or eye lubricant for discomfort from drying;Limiting vital signs to respirations (breathing) and temperature (this practice may vary);Stopping medications that are not essential to promoting comfort, including antibiotics;Stopping needle sticks and blood draws, including finger sticks for blood sugar;Removing nonessential equipment that may distract care providers and loved ones from focusing on the one who is dying;Other, specify Eliminating sources of discomfort;Providing effective pain and symptom management through the use of medications and other therapies;Offering a quiet, private environment that supports the intimate process of dying;Encouraging personal rituals that may honor or celebrate the person dying;Providing support, reassurance, and information about grief, bereavement, and information and guidance about the dying process;Providing spiritual care as desired;Offering food and fluids as the dying person desires and is able to take;Preventing constipation, even if oral intake has been minimal;Positioning at frequent intervals to prevent bedsores;Offering frequent mouth care for discomfort from drying (as tolerated);Instilling artificial tears or eye lubricant for discomfort from drying;Limiting vital signs to respirations (breathing) and temperature (this practice may vary);Stopping medications that are not essential to promoting comfort, including antibiotics;Stopping needle sticks and blood draws, including finger sticks for blood sugar;Removing nonessential equipment that may distract care providers and loved ones from focusing on the one who is dying (e.g., cardiac monitors, feeding tubes and tube feedings, IV access devices, Foley catheters, etc.);Other, specify Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply.

Kathleen Moneymaker. Comfort Measures Only. Journal of Palliative Medicine. June 2005, 8(3): 688-688. doi:10.1089/jpm.2005.8.688. Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-06-21 00:00:00.0 Palliative/Comfort Care and End of Life Issues Therapies Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C14282 Do not resuscitate or intubate (DNR or DNI) indicator DNRDNIInd Indicates if participant/ subject was made DNR/DNI (Do not resuscitate or Do not intubate) during hospitalization Indicates if participant/ subject was made DNR/ DNI (Do not resuscitate/ Do not intubate) during hospitalization Was the participant/subject made DNR/DNI during the hospitalization Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Choose one.

No references available Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 3.00 2013-06-21 00:00:00.0 Palliative/Comfort Care and End of Life Issues Therapies Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected