CDE Catalog

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The CDE Catalog is a directory of the available NINDS CDEs. Users can search the Catalog to isolate a subset of the CDEs (e.g., all stroke-specific CDEs, etc.), and to view and download details about the CDEs.

Select any filter below to search the CDE Catalog.

For best results, clear form between searches. In addition, when specifying NeuroRehab, Sport-Related Concussion (SRC) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as the Disease, please select a Subdisease as well.

NeuroRehab Comprehensive includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations. NeuroRehab General includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations that are not disease specific. All other NeuroRehab Subdiseases include recommendations specific to existing NINDS CDE project disorders.

Choose your Time Frame for your SRC study (Acute (time of injury until 72 hours), Subacute (after 72 hours to 3 months), and Persistent/Chronic (3 months and greater post-concussion) or Comprehensive if your study falls across the study time frames.

Choose your type of TBI study (Acute Hospitalized, Concussion/Mild TBI, Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation, or Epidemiology) or Comprehensive if your study falls outside of the study types or incorporates aspects of more than one type of study.

Search Form

Displaying 226 - 250 of 1888
Selected 25 rows in this page.  
The search results below can be downloaded by clicking the checkboxes on the far left side of the table. Select the header checkbox to select all CDEs listed on the first page. Then choose CDE Detailed Report from the Choose an operation dropdown menu.
CDE ID CDE Name Definition Classification CRF Name Copyrighted or trademarked Disease Name Subdisease Name
C06150 Urography method type

Identifies which methods were performed on the urinary tract

Supplemental International SCI Urinary Tract Imaging Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C18689 Imaging anatomic site other text

The free-text field related to 'Imaging anatomic site', specifying other text. Anatomic site of body part or anatomy scanned in the imaging study

Supplemental Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C02495 Imaging scanner strength value type

Type of value, in Tesla (T), of the scanner's magnetic field strength used for the scan being reported

Supplemental Diffusion Tensor Imaging Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C12683 Mobility device type

Type for all mobility devices currently used by the participant/subject

Supplemental Assistive/Mobility Devices and Orthoses Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C02006 Medication prior or concomitant dose

Dose of prior/concomitant medication taken per administration

Supplemental Prior and Concomitant Medications Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C19367 Abbreviated injury scale nine body region category

The nine body regions assessed with the 6 point advanced ordinal severity scale

Supplemental Pre-Hospital Assessment Form Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C00008 Age value

Value for participant's age, calculated as elapsed time since the birth of the participant

Supplemental Demographics Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C22816 Injury below pinprick response type

The type of response related to pinprick below the level of injury

Supplemental International SCI Pain Extended Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C19131 Facility discharge time

The time at which the patient was discharged from the facility

Supplemental Acute Admission/Discharge Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C19481 Spinal cord injury feeding ability status

The status for feeding ability and spinal cord injury

Supplemental International SCI Activities and Participation Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C06005 Data collected date and time

Date (and time, if applicable and known) the data were collected. This may be the date/time a particular examination or procedure was performed

Supplemental International SCI Pulmonary Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C06115 Force vital capacity measurement

Forced vital capacity (FVC) value measured in liters using simple spirometry. FVC is defined as the total volume of air that a person can forcibly exhale during a maximal expiratory effort

Supplemental Vital Signs and Tests Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C22314 Laboratory procedure adrenal function fasting cortisol serum value

The value related to concentration of cortisol tested between 6 and 8 am, following a fast

Supplemental International SCI Endocrine and Metabolic Function Extended Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C18153 Data unknown text

The free-text field to Mark an "X" in to record if data are unknown or not available

Supplemental Rehabilitation Admission/Discharge Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C19188 Oral laxative medication indicator

Indicator for oral laxative medication use (within the last four weeks)

Supplemental International SCI Bowel Function Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C06455 Musculoskeletal challenge interfere activity scale

Scale for how the musculoskeletal challenges interfere with the participant's daily activities of daily livings including transfers, walking, dressing, and showers

Supplemental International SCI Musculoskeletal Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C06312 Sexual dysfunction relate spinal cord lesion indicator

Indicator of whether the participant has a history of or reports personal distress as a result of sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction may be regarding desire, arousal, pain or orgasmic dysfunction

Supplemental International SCI Female and Male Sexual Function Basic Data Sets v2.0 Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C06290 Cardiovascular function after last three month indicator

Indicator of whether the type of cardiovascular function occurred within three months after the spinal cord lesion

Supplemental International SCI Cardiovascular Function Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C18116 Renography date

Date Renography was performed

Supplemental International SCI Urinary Tract Imaging Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C19294 Imaging pre-existing hardware surgery other text

The free-text field to specify the other type of pre-existing hardware or surgery

Supplemental Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C08241 Imaging field of view axis 1 measurement

Measurement of axis 1 of the image that is visible through the camera at a particular position in orientation and space in millimeters

Supplemental Diffusion Tensor Imaging Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C18195 Ankle foot orthosis type

Type of ankle-foot orthosis the participant/subject uses

Supplemental Assistive/Mobility Devices and Orthoses Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C02024 Medication prior or concomitant indication text

Text describing reason for administration of a prior/concomitant (nonstudy) agent or measure. This is not the pharmacologic classification of an agent (antibiotic, analgesic, etc.), but the reason for its administration to the participant/subject

Supplemental Prior and Concomitant Medications Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C19398 Brain Motor Control Assessment (BMCA) - Upper limb relaxation silence indicator

Indicator for silence in assessment of upper limb relaxation as part of the Brain Motor Control Assessment (BMCA)

Supplemental Brain Motor Control Assessment Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
C06110 Pneumonia episode treat antibiotic past year number

Number of pneumonia episodes treated with antibiotics occurring after the spinal cord lesion and within the last year

Supplemental International SCI Pulmonary Basic Data Set Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injury
Displaying 226 - 250 of 1888

The NINDS CDE Team does not post proprietary instruments/scales recommended by the CDE Working Groups on this website. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted or trademarked instruments/scales. Information about recommended instruments can be found in the Notice of Copyright (NOC) documents under ‘CRF Module/Guideline’ on each disorder’s data standards page. For any questions regarding these instruments/scales please contact the corresponding owner/author. The NINDS CDE Team is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does the NINDS CDE Team endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other internet sites.