CDE Catalog

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The CDE Catalog is a directory of the available NINDS CDEs. Users can search the Catalog to isolate a subset of the CDEs (e.g., all stroke-specific CDEs, etc.), and to view and download details about the CDEs.

Select any filter below to search the CDE Catalog.

For best results, clear form between searches. In addition, when specifying NeuroRehab, Sport-Related Concussion (SRC) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as the Disease, please select a Subdisease as well.

NeuroRehab Comprehensive includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations. NeuroRehab General includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations that are not disease specific. All other NeuroRehab Subdiseases include recommendations specific to existing NINDS CDE project disorders.

Choose your Time Frame for your SRC study (Acute (time of injury until 72 hours), Subacute (after 72 hours to 3 months), and Persistent/Chronic (3 months and greater post-concussion) or Comprehensive if your study falls across the study time frames.

Choose your type of TBI study (Acute Hospitalized, Concussion/Mild TBI, Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation, or Epidemiology) or Comprehensive if your study falls outside of the study types or incorporates aspects of more than one type of study.

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Displaying 276 - 300 of 749
Selected 25 rows in this page.  
The search results below can be downloaded by clicking the checkboxes on the far left side of the table. Select the header checkbox to select all CDEs listed on the first page. Then choose CDE Detailed Report from the Choose an operation dropdown menu.
CDE ID CDE Name Definition Classification CRF Name Copyrighted or trademarked Disease Name Subdisease Name
C08590 Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - military service city station longest text

The text describing the city the participant/subject was stationed in for the longest duration as part of the Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - Occupation

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - Occupation and Employment Status Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C16197 Biological sample in repository location name

The location of the banked biological sample or specimen, if known

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Parkinson's Disease Genetics Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C08002 Family history relative type biological sample identifier number

Identification (ID) number assigned to family member's biological sample in repository

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Parkinson's Disease Genetics Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C18722 Imaging volume of interest anatomic location type other text

The free-text field related to 'Imaging volume of interest anatomic location type' specifying other text. Type of anatomic location used for volume of interest (VOI) for the imaging data analysis

Supplemental-Highly Recommended PET-SPECT Localization Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C08598 Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - military service prisoner of war city text

The text describing the city the participant/subject was a prisoner of war as part of the Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - Occupation

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - Occupation and Employment Status Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59044 Imaging camera type other text

The free-text field related to 'Imaging camera type', specifying other text. Type of imaging camera used

Supplemental-Highly Recommended PET-SPECT Localization Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C08606 Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - current job third duty text

Text describing the third of four major duties or tasks at the participant's/subject's current job as part of the Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - Occupation

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Risk Factor Questionnaire (RFQ) - Occupation and Employment Status Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59052 Imaging MRI acquire co-registration date and time

Date (and time, if applicable and known) of MRI acquired for co-registration with the imaging study being documented.

Supplemental-Highly Recommended PET-SPECT Localization Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C02022 Medication prior or concomitant dose unit of measure

Dosage unit of measure of the prior or concomitant medication administered

Supplemental Non-Parkinson's Disease Medication Log Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59172 Gene pathogenic certainty status

Status related to pathogenic certainty for the gene screened in the participant/subject

Supplemental Parkinson's Disease Genetics Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59134 Stimulation brain parameter amplitude unit of measure

Unit of measure for amplitude of electric impulses (stimulation) on brain hemisphere

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C10173 Forced expiratory volume second result value

Value of the amount of air, in liters, that can be blown in the first second in the Forced Expiratory Volume maneuver (FEV1)

Supplemental Other Non-Motor Guidance for CDE Use Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C19610 Genetic test result date

The date of reporting of the genetic test results

Supplemental Parkinson's Disease Genetics Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C07431 Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) - Depressed score

Score of how much the subject has been feeling down and depressed in the past two weeks, as part of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)

Supplemental Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 (PHQ-9) Depression Scale Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59143 Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale part three on DBS on medication score

The score related to part three of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) when the participant/subject is on DBS and on medications

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C10182 Thermoregulatory sweat test baseline room temperature value

Baseline (starting) temperature of the room the participant/subject is placed in for Thermoregulatory Sweat Test (TST)

Supplemental Other Non-Motor Guidance for CDE Use Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59095 L-Dopa pre-operative challenge off levodopa duration

Duration in hours the participant/subject was off of levodopa as part of the pre-operative L-Dopa challenge

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59029 Family history relative type neurological disorder not parkinsonian code other text

The free-text field related to 'Family history relative type neurological disorder not parkinsonian code', specifying other text. Code for neurological disorder(s) other than Parkinson's Disease or Parkinsonism experienced by the family member or ancestor, for the specified relative type

Supplemental Family History Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C07440 Patient Health Questionnaire - (PHQ) - Depression questionnaire total score

Total score of the questionnaire, as the part of Patient Health Questionnaire Depression (PHQ)

Supplemental Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 (PHQ-9) Depression Scale Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59151 Brain lead remove count

Count of brain leads removed

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C18769 Thermoregulatory sweat test sweat chemical other text

The free-text field related to 'Thermoregulatory sweat test sweat chemical type' specifying other text. Type of chemical used for Thermoregulatory Sweat Test (TST) that shows a significant color change when mingled with sweat

Supplemental Other Non-Motor Guidance for CDE Use Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59106 Surgery head fixation status

Status of the participant's/subject's head fixation to the operating room table during surgery

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59160 Lead extender replacement reason

The reason the lead extender was replaced

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59112 Genetic study data general category type

Type of general category data expected for the genetics study

Supplemental Parkinson's Disease Genetics Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
C59117 Brain lead insert count

Count of brain leads inserted

Supplemental Functional Neurosurgery: Deep Brain Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease
Displaying 276 - 300 of 749

The NINDS CDE Team does not post proprietary instruments/scales recommended by the CDE Working Groups on this website. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted or trademarked instruments/scales. Information about recommended instruments can be found in the Notice of Copyright (NOC) documents under ‘CRF Module/Guideline’ on each disorder’s data standards page. For any questions regarding these instruments/scales please contact the corresponding owner/author. The NINDS CDE Team is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does the NINDS CDE Team endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other internet sites.