CDE Catalog

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The CDE Catalog is a directory of the available NINDS CDEs. Users can search the Catalog to isolate a subset of the CDEs (e.g., all stroke-specific CDEs, etc.), and to view and download details about the CDEs.

Select any filter below to search the CDE Catalog.

For best results, clear form between searches. In addition, when specifying NeuroRehab, Sport-Related Concussion (SRC) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as the Disease, please select a Subdisease as well.

NeuroRehab Comprehensive includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations. NeuroRehab General includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations that are not disease specific. All other NeuroRehab Subdiseases include recommendations specific to existing NINDS CDE project disorders.

Choose your Time Frame for your SRC study (Acute (time of injury until 72 hours), Subacute (after 72 hours to 3 months), and Persistent/Chronic (3 months and greater post-concussion) or Comprehensive if your study falls across the study time frames.

Choose your type of TBI study (Acute Hospitalized, Concussion/Mild TBI, Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation, or Epidemiology) or Comprehensive if your study falls outside of the study types or incorporates aspects of more than one type of study.

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Displaying 1676 - 1700 of 1834
Selected 25 rows in this page.  
The search results below can be downloaded by clicking the checkboxes on the far left side of the table. Select the header checkbox to select all CDEs listed on the first page. Then choose CDE Detailed Report from the Choose an operation dropdown menu.
CDE ID CDE Name Definition Classification CRF Name Copyrighted or trademarked Disease Name Subdisease Name
C57114 Rest time count

Count of the time (in minutes) taken at rest

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C56195 Rest ventilation body temperature and pressure saturated measurement

Measurement in liters per minute (L/min) of the volume of at BTPS (body temperature, pressure, saturated) gas exhaled at rest

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C56171 Rest work measurement

Measurement of work, in watts, that the participant generates at rest

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59837 Right eye vision status

Status of the participant's vision using the right eye

Supplemental Vestibular Function in Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C51670 School name

The name of the school that the subject currently attends, if applicable

Supplemental Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence - Second Edition (WASI-II) Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C14964 Sedation used indicator

Indicator of whether the participant was administered any sedation

Core Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C60349 Sedentary average daily duration

Duration of average time the participant was sedentary daily

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Exercise Wearables Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59703 Sex steroid deficiency cause type

Type of cause of the participant's sex steroid deficiency

Supplemental Reproductive and Hormonal History Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59714 Sex steroid deficiency diagnosis indicator

Indicator of whether the participant has been diagnosed with sex steroid deficiency

Supplemental Reproductive and Hormonal History Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59715 Sex steroid receive indicator

Indicator of whether the participant received sex steroids

Supplemental Reproductive and Hormonal History Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C20013 Short stature diagnosis indicator

The indicator related to being diagnosed for short stature or height

Supplemental Reproductive and Hormonal History Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59869 Sinusoidal harmonic acceleration velocity measurement

Measurement of the velocity used in sinusoidal harmonic acceleration (SHA) rotational vestibular testing

Exploratory Vestibular Function in Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C06000 Site identifier number

Unique identification number given to the study site to distinguish the location where data is recorded

Exploratory 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C17402 Site name

The name of the site for the study

Core Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C17402 Site name

The name of the site for the study

Core Head Computed Tomography (CT) Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C60352 Sleep efficiency score

Score for the participant's sleep efficiency calculated by wearable technology software algorithm

Exploratory Exercise Wearables Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C60351 Sleep stage 4 average duration

Duration of average time in sleep stage 4 during the recording period

Supplemental Exercise Wearables Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C60350 Sleep total average duration

Duration of total average sleep during the recording period

Supplemental Exercise Wearables Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59903 Speed oxygen uptake peak measurement

Measurement of instantaneous speed, in revolutions per minute (RPM), when peak oxygen uptake (VO2) was attained

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59904 Speed submaximal absolute trial complete oxygen uptake peak ratio value

Value, as a percentage, of the ratio of the speed (in revolutions per minute, RPM) during the Submaximal Absolute Trial to the instantaneous speed (in RPM) at the time oxygen uptake (VO2) peaked

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59901 Speed submaximal absolute trial measurement

Measurement of speed, in revolutions per minute (RPM), during the Submaximal Absolute Trial

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59902 Speed ventilatory anaerobic threshold measurement

Measurement of instantaneous speed, in revolutions per minute (RPM), when the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT) was attained

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C57112 Start exercise time

Time of the start of exercise

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C57113 Start recovery time

Time of the start of recovery

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Staged Exercise Tolerance Test Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
C59876 Step acceleration test 240 degree per second asymmetry value

Value of the asymmetry for the 240 degree per second step acceleration tested

Exploratory Vestibular Function in Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease Mitochondrial Disease
Displaying 1676 - 1700 of 1834

The NINDS CDE Team does not post proprietary instruments/scales recommended by the CDE Working Groups on this website. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted or trademarked instruments/scales. Information about recommended instruments can be found in the Notice of Copyright (NOC) documents under ‘CRF Module/Guideline’ on each disorder’s data standards page. For any questions regarding these instruments/scales please contact the corresponding owner/author. The NINDS CDE Team is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does the NINDS CDE Team endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other internet sites.