CDE Catalog

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The CDE Catalog is a directory of the available NINDS CDEs. Users can search the Catalog to isolate a subset of the CDEs (e.g., all stroke-specific CDEs, etc.), and to view and download details about the CDEs.

Select any filter below to search the CDE Catalog.

For best results, clear form between searches. In addition, when specifying NeuroRehab, Sport-Related Concussion (SRC) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as the Disease, please select a Subdisease as well.

NeuroRehab Comprehensive includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations. NeuroRehab General includes all NeuroRehab CDE recommendations that are not disease specific. All other NeuroRehab Subdiseases include recommendations specific to existing NINDS CDE project disorders.

Choose your Time Frame for your SRC study (Acute (time of injury until 72 hours), Subacute (after 72 hours to 3 months), and Persistent/Chronic (3 months and greater post-concussion) or Comprehensive if your study falls across the study time frames.

Choose your type of TBI study (Acute Hospitalized, Concussion/Mild TBI, Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation, or Epidemiology) or Comprehensive if your study falls outside of the study types or incorporates aspects of more than one type of study.

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Displaying 376 - 400 of 861
Selected 25 rows in this page.  
The search results below can be downloaded by clicking the checkboxes on the far left side of the table. Select the header checkbox to select all CDEs listed on the first page. Then choose CDE Detailed Report from the Choose an operation dropdown menu.
CDE ID CDE Name Definition Classification CRF Name Copyrighted or trademarked Disease Name Subdisease Name
C21739 Imaging posterior cranial fossa pB-C2 measurement

The measurement as related to distance from dura to the line drawn from the basion to the posterior inferior edge of the C2 vertebra

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21737 Imaging posterior cranial fossa soft tissue clivo-axial angle (CXA) measurement

The measurement as related to soft tissue clivo-axial angle (CXA)

Exploratory Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21749 Imaging posterior cranial fossa superior posterior fossa length measurement

The measurement as related to distance from dorsum sella to internal occipital protuberance

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21747 Imaging posterior cranial fossa supraoccipital length measurement

The measurement as related to distance from opisthion to internal occipital protuberance on midsagittal MRI

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21750 Imaging posterior cranial fossa tentorial angle measurement

The measurement as related to the angle between line drawn along the tentorium with line drawn from the internal occipital protuberance to the opisthion; Alternative measurement: angle between line drawn paralell to clivus and line drawn paralell to tentorium, independent of orientation of occipital bone

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C22392 Imaging pre surgical procedure anatomical site

Anatomical site of the pre-surgical imaging

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Treatment Outcomes Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C22372 Imaging pre surgical procedure date

Date of pre-surgical imaging

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Treatment Outcomes Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C22373 Imaging pre surgical procedure type

Type of pre-surgical imaging

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Chiari I Malformation Treatment Outcomes Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21752 Imaging spine anomaly atlas assimilation present indicator

The indicator related to the atlas assimilation on the imaging spinal anomalies

Exploratory Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21751 Imaging spine anomaly congenital fusion cervical vertebrae present indicator

The indicator related to the congenital fusion of cervical vertebrate on the imaging spinal anomalies

Exploratory Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21753 Imaging spine anomaly other craniocervical present indicator

The indicator related to presence of other craniocervical abnormalities on the imaging spinal anomalies

Exploratory Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21755 Imaging spine anomaly spinal dysraphism present indicator

In this context, we define spina bifida occulta as non-fusion of the posterior spinal elements without evidence of any other abnormality of the spinal cord or dura

Exploratory Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21754 Imaging spine anomaly tethered cord present indicator

The indicator related to presence of tethered cord on the imaging spinal anomalies

Exploratory Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21734 Imaging syrinx highest level spinal segment number

The number as related to the highest level of syrinx, reported in terms of most superior spinal segment along syrinx

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21733 Imaging syrinx length spinal segment count

The number of spinal segments for length of syrinx as measure on sagittal MRI scan

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21735 Imaging syrinx lowest level spinal segment number

The number as related to the lowest level of syrinx, reported in terms of most inferior spinal segment along syrinx

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21732 Imaging syrinx present indicator

The indicator related to presence of syrinx within the spinal cord measuring greater than 3 mm in axial plane T1 imaging

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21736 Imaging syrinx width measurement

Greatest transverse diameter of hydrosyringomyelia on T2-WI as measured on MRI in the axial plane (in mm)

Supplemental Chiari I Malformation Imaging Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C22743 Inability empty bladder single attempt indicator

Indicator of whether the patient/participant is unable to empty his or her bladder in a single urination attempt

Supplemental Self - Report Testing (On Intake) Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C22759 Indecisiveness indicator

Indicator of whether the patient/participant is experiencing or exhibits difficulty making decisions

Supplemental Self - Report Testing (On Intake) Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C22436 Inferior vena caval pressure abnormality indicator

The indicator related to the presence of any abnormality in the value of the subject's inferior vena caval (IVC) pressure

Exploratory Co-Morbidities Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C05400 Injury date time

Date (and time, if applicable and known) of injury

Supplemental CMI - Headache Score Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21888 Injury fall head neck indicator

The indicator relating to injury in the form of the patient falling on their head or neck

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Past History (on intake) Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21886 Injury Head Indicator

The indicator relating to traumatic head injury

Supplemental-Highly Recommended Past History (on intake) Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
C21887 Injury whiplash indicator

The indicator relating to injury in the form of whiplash

Core Co-Morbidities Chiari I Malformation Chiari I Malformation
Displaying 376 - 400 of 861

The NINDS CDE Team does not post proprietary instruments/scales recommended by the CDE Working Groups on this website. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted or trademarked instruments/scales. Information about recommended instruments can be found in the Notice of Copyright (NOC) documents under ‘CRF Module/Guideline’ on each disorder’s data standards page. For any questions regarding these instruments/scales please contact the corresponding owner/author. The NINDS CDE Team is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does the NINDS CDE Team endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other internet sites.