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Supplemental: HD
Short Description of Instrument

The Concise Health Risk Tracking Scale (CHRT) is designed to monitor suicidality and risk following initiation of antidepressant treatment in clinical care. It includes measures for hopelessness, self-worth, pessimism about the future, perception of social support, and active suicidal plans. It is designed to be either a self-report or clinician rating scale.


Trivedi MH, Wisniewski SR, Morris DW, Fava M, Gollan JK, Warden D, Nierenberg AA, Gaynes BN, Husain MM, Luther JF, Zisook S, Rush AJ. Concise Health Risk Tracking Scale: A brief self-report and clinician rating of suicidal risk. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2011, 72: 757-64.


Document last updated February 2018