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Subdomain Name: NIH Resources
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CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C56353 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies quit smoke more attractive to other scale PROMISSmNgPsExQtSmMrAtToOtScl Scale related to an individual if he/she quits smoking he/she will be more attractive to others, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual if he/she quits smoking he/she will be more attractive to others, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies If I quit smoking I will be more attractive to others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56306 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies quit smoke more control life scale PROMISSmNgPsExQtSmMrCnLfScl Scale related to an individual believing that if he/she quits smoking, he/she will be more in control of his/her life, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing that if he/she quits smoking, he/she will be more in control of his/her life, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies If I quit smoking I will be more in control of my life 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56354 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies get upset when think about self smoke scale PROMISSmNgPsExGtUWhThAbSlSmScl Scale related to an individual getting upset when he/she thinks about his/her smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual getting upset when he/she thinks about his/her smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I get upset when I think about my smoking 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56307 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies look ridiculous smoke scale PROMISSmNgPsExLkRdclsSmScl Scale related to an individual believing he/she looks ridiculous while smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing he/she looks ridiculous while smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I look ridiculous while smoking 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56355 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies smoke make respect self less scale PROMISSmNgPsExSmMkRsSlLsScl Scale related to an individual believing his/her smoking makes him/her respect him/herself less, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing his/her smoking makes him/her respect him/herself less, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies My smoking makes me respect myself less 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56310 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies people respect less because smoke scale PROMISSmNgPsExPpRsLsBcSmScl Scale related to an individual believing people he/she cares about respect him/her less because he/she smokes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing people he/she cares about respect him/her less because he/she smokes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies People I care about resepect me less because I smoke 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56356 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies feel embarrassed when smoke scale PROMISSmNgPsExFlEmWhSmScl Scale related to an individual feeling embarassed when he/she smokes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling embarassed when he/she smokes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I feel embarrassed when I smoke 5;4;3;2;1 always;Often;Sometimes;Rarely;Never Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 12:06:11.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56313 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies people think foolish for ignore warning scale PROMISSmNgPsExPpThFlFrIgWrScl Scale related to an individual believing people thinking he/she is foolish for ignoring the warnings about cigarette smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing people thinking he/she is foolish for ignoring the warnings about cigarette smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies People think I'm foolish for ignoring the warnings about cigarette smoking 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56367 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies smoke leave unpleasant odor scale PROMISSmNgPsExSmLvUnpOdrScl Scale related to an individual believing smoking leaves an unpleasant odor on his/her clothes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing smoking leaves an unpleasant odor on his/her clothes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Smoking leaves an unpleasant odor on my clothes 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 13:46:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56317 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies smoke make less attractive other scale PROMISSmNgPsExSmMkLsAtOtScl Scale related to an individual believing his/her smoking makes him/her less attractive to other people, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing his/her smoking makes him/her less attractive to other people, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies My smoking makes me less attractive to other people 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56370 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies foolish ignore warning cigarette scale PROMISSmNgPsExFlIgWrCgScl Scale related to an individual believing he/she is foolish to ignore the warnings about cigarettes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing he/she is foolish to ignore the warnings about cigarettes, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I'm foolish to inore the warnings about cigarettes 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 13:46:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56325 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies quit smoke friend respect more scale PROMISSmNgPsExQtSmFrRsMrScl Scale related to an individual believing if he/she quits smoking his/her friends will respect he/she more, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing if he/she quits smoking his/her friends will respect he/she more, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies If I quit smoking my friends will respect me more 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56371 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies smoke too much scale PROMISSmNgPsExSmTooMchScl Scale related to an individual smoking too much, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual smoking too much, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I smoke too much 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 13:46:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56331 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies need for cigarette make feel disappoint scale PROMISSmNgPsExNdFrCgMkFlDsScl Scale related to an individual's need for cigarettes making him/her feel disappointed in him/herself, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual's need for cigarettes making him/her feel disappointed in him/herself, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies My need for cigarettes makes me feel disappointed in myself 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56372 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies hide smoke from others scale PROMISSmNgPsExHdSmFrOtScl Scale related to an individual hiding his/her smoking from other people, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual hiding his/her smoking from other people, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I hide my smoking from other people 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 13:46:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56333 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies smoke make feel self less attractive scale PROMISSmNgPsExSmMkFlSlLsAtScl Scale related to an individual feeling like smoking makes him/her feel less attractive, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling like smoking makes him/her feel less attractive, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies My smoking makes me feel less attractive 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56373 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies uncomfortable smoke around kid scale PROMISSmNgPsExUnSmArKdScl Scale related to an individual feeling uncomfortable smoking around kids, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling uncomfortable smoking around kids, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies I feel uncomfortable smoking around kids 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 13:46:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56338 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies people think less if smoke scale PROMISSmNgPsExPpThLsIfSmScl Scale related to an individual believing people think less of him/her if they see him/her smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing people think less of him/her if they see him/her smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies People think less of me if they see me smoking 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56374 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies most people care quit smoke scale PROMISSmNgPsExMsPpCrQtSmScl Scale related to an individual feeling as if most of the people he/she cares about wanting him/her to quit smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling as if most of the people he/she cares about wanting him/her to quit smoking, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Most of the people I care about want me to quit smoking 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 13:46:38.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C56341 PROMIS - Smoking negative psychosocial expectancies cigarette smoke bother other scale PROMISSmNgPsExCgSmBtOtScl Scale related to an individual believing his/her cigarette smoking bothers others, as part of PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing his/her cigarette smoking bothers others, as part of PROMIS Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies My cigarette smoking bothers others 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-09 10:29:58.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected