CDE Detailed Report

Disease: General (For all diseases)
Subdomain Name: NIH Resources
CRF: PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C55827 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies stop for cigarette my time scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExStFrCgMyTmScl Scale related to an individual feeling as if when he/she stops what he/she is doing to have a cigarette it feels like "his/her time", as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling as if when he/she stops what he/she is doing to have a cigarette it feels like "his/her time", as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies When I stop what I' doing to have a cigarette it feels like 'my time' 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55890 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies when alone cigarette pass time scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExWhAlCgPsTmScl Scale related to an individual believing that when he/she is alone, a cigarette can hell him/her pass the time, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing that when he/she is alone, a cigarette can hell him/her pass the time, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies When I'm alone, a cigarette can help me pass the time 5;4;3;2;1 always;Often;Sometimes;Rarely;Never Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 13:53:33.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55828 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies love feel of inhale smoke scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExLvFlOfInSmkScl Scale related to an individual loving the feel of inhaling smoke into his/her mouth, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual loving the feel of inhaling smoke into his/her mouth, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I love the feeling of inhaling te smoke into my mouth 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55893 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies enjoy smell of cigarette pack scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExEnSmOfCgPkScl Scale related to an individual enjoying the smell of a cigarette when he/she pulls it out of the pack, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual enjoying the smell of a cigarette when he/she pulls it out of the pack, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I enjoy the smell of a cigarette when I pull it out of the pack 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 13:56:56.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55830 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke relaxing scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmRlxScl Scale related to an individual feeling as if smoking is relaxing, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling as if smoking is relaxing, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Smoking is relaxing 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55834 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke make content scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmMkCntScl Scale related to an individual believing smoking makes him/her feel content, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing smoking makes him/her feel content, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Smoking makes me feel content 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55839 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke fast way to reward scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmFsWyToRwScl Scale related to an individual believing smoking is the fastest way to reward him/herself, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing smoking is the fastest way to reward him/herself, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Smoking is the fastest way to reward myself 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55842 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke make less depressed scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmMkLsDpScl Scale related to an individual believing smoking makes him/her less depressed, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing smoking makes him/her less depressed, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Smoking makes me less depressed 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55848 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke self satisfy scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmSlStScl Scale related to an individual smoking because it is self-satisfying, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual smoking because it is self-satisfying, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I smoke because it is self-satisfying 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55772 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies feel good smoke better scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExFlGdSmkBtScl Scale related to an individual believing that even when he/she feels good, smoking helps him/her feels better, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing that even when he/she feels good, smoking helps him/her feels better, as part of the PROMIS Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Even when I feel good, smoking helps me feel better 5;4;3;2;1 always;Often;Sometimes;Rarely;Never Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-05-30 17:07:31.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55852 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies like way cigarette feel physically scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExLkWyCgFlPhScl Scale related to an individual liking the way a cigarette makes him/her feel physically, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual liking the way a cigarette makes him/her feel physically, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I lke the way a cigarette makes me feel physically 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55824 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies feel better after smoke scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExFlBtAfSmScl Scale related to an individual feeling better after smoking a cigarette, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual feeling better after smoking a cigarette, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I feel better after smoking a cigarette 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55856 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke feel good scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmkFlGdScl Scale related to an individual smoking because smoking feels good to him/her, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual smoking because smoking feels good to him/her, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I smoke because smoking feels good 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55825 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke stimulate scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmkStmScl Scale related to an individual having smoking stimulate him/her, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual having smoking stimulate him/her, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Smoking stimulates me 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55861 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies enjoy sensation of long slow exhale scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExEnSnOLgSlExScl Scale related to an individual enjoying the sensations of a long, slow exhalation of smoke, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual enjoying the sensations of a long, slow exhalation of smoke, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I enjoy the sensations of a long, slow exhalation of smoke 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55826 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke help concentrate scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmkHlCnScl Scale related to an individual believing smoking helps him/her concentrate, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual believing smoking helps him/her concentrate, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Smoking helps me concentrate 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C55866 PROMIS - Smoking emotional and sensory expectancies smoke to get sense of pleasure scale PROMISSmEmAnSnExSmToGtSnOPsScl Scale related to an individual smoking to get a sense of pleasure, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies Scale related to an individual smoking to get a sense of pleasure, as part of the Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies I smoke to get a sense of pleasure 1;2;3;4;5 Not at all;A little bit;Somewhat;Quite a bit;Very much Alphanumeric Adult Supplemental 1.00 2017-06-01 12:21:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 - Smoking: Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers NIH Resources NIH Resources

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected